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coyote dogs of Docs

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Dan-Your not the only one that likes "Reba" best. I just cant decide if she gets a date with "John" or Hoss" first... :clapper:


pics are as follows;

"Hoss" bullstag

"T" Bullstag

"Hoss, John" bullstag, stag

"T" bullstag

"K, John, Hoss, Cookie" (left-right) stag, stag, bullstag, stagxwhippet

"Cookie" stagxwhippet

"Bull" stag

"Grey, John" stag, stag

"Grey, John" stag, stag

"Reba" stag

"Lil Rough" Jagd


John, Reba and K all have the same sire (H). K is double H, being out of Reba x H

Hoss and T are littermates 1/4 pitbull 3/4 stag


Take care.

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are hunting laws in your part of the world more sensible than uk and ireland, all pests over here are treated differently as you know, fox, rabbit, squirrel, badger and some deer, but of course only one on the list is protected, but it does most damage, passing on tb,

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irishnut-As near as I can tell our laws are way more in favor of the hunter here than in the UK or Ireland. Our pests are open to hunt 24/7 When I have had folks here from the UK to hunt they were amazed at how open we are about our hunting, and nearly fainted when we said the big ranchers will take away our permission if we DONT try to kill all the pests when we are on their land. We even have laws that prevent the "antis" from harassing hunters... :thumbs:

We do have seasons on some animals, and some states have lost certain types of hunting, but as everyone knows there is always a loophole if you look hard enough... :whistling:


Take care.

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