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Air rifle + shotgun + lamp = unlucky rats

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After our trip out with the dogs had to be cancelled at the weekend (due to the bad weather!) we organised a trip out with the air rifle, shotgun and lamp. So last night I met up with the farmer and we had a walk round his outbuildings. Within a few seconds I accounted for the first rat…but the farmer was keen to try his new toy out (pump action 4.10!). We headed straight for a corner of a building that the rats like to use as an escape route…and with him (safely) facing away from me I gave the fencing a rattle and one by one the rats all played ball and we got another 5.031209039.jpg



After this it was a case of just walking around and picking any rats off that gave us half a chance.


This one I saw having a good look at us as we walked past…and it obviously found the lamp and air rifle interesting as it stared straight at me!






After a few more shots each we ended up with 15.


Once we had made our way back to the farmhouse he gave a friend of his a call and we headed to another farm. This farm consisted of a few decent sized fields and a couple of new buildings/barns.

As we approached a grain store we saw the rats all making a dash for it…so I took a long range shot and dropped the first one…and the shotgun came to good use as a couple more ran across the middle of the floor.031209043.jpg



We walked around the buildings and managed to get a couple more between us, and a rabbit to finish off a good outing with the lamp.

20 rats and 1 bunny…and a couple of happy farmers…all good fun.

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If i could i would make rats extinct lol i hate em :gunsmilie:


Nice shooting to lads




Good job they breed like rabbits then aint it?


I wants to bag me some diseased, filthy rats before you guys finish em off :D



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