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Are brains an over rated quality in a lurcher

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i dont consider a dog picking its runs a quality. :icon_eek: i like to pick what my dog runs. and i expect it to do its damndest to nail what its after. terrier crosses ate highly intelligent. and rarely chuck the towel in. salukies are not for me either :no: i find them stubbern and ignorent. and a liability if you stray off permision by accident. allthough they are emence at what they do. just not for me

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how many people who have commented on saluki,s or dogs with a high percentage of saluki in them have actually seen a good one run or owned one,,,

fook me they are one of the most intelligant runners there is.,,,,

in small fields they keep on the pressure and stick tight, they no there not going to be in for the long haul and try to force the hare into making a mistake ..the same dog gets a hare on open land and does just what he needs to...e,g it runs as fast as the hare,,,,not trying to smash it at every oppertunity ....and if there an obsticle ..eg game crop....the dog will put its self inbetween the crop and the hare and try and take it back out on to the open fen,,,forceing the the hare to go to plan b ,,,because hares always have a plan A as soon as they lift from the seat,.,,,always ,,,,,is that not brains.,,,,your dam right it is,.i will just mention one occasion and they happen quite alot ..but pre ban a hare lifted and the run was on ...this hare was going straight for the tree there was a hole at the side of the tree ..the dog applied enough pressure so the hare darnt commit itself it came back out

and tried to make the dog make a mistake and gain some ground so it could get to the hole...but the dog put himself between the hole and the hare and forcedthe hare out, this went on for a while until the hare had to turn to plan B i wont go on but that is where the hare met its maker ,,,,so dont tell me saluki,s or saluki,x,s are brain dead.....because they are one off the most clever runners there is,,,,,and a good one can addapt and catch hares on any land.,,,,,,,big or small,,,,,rant over ... :notworthy:

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A lot of very interesting comments there,a lot of which can only be made through years of hunting and at the end of the day as long as we can enjoy working your own dog in whatever your chosen field of hunting is,thats all that matters really,personally for me its all about bringing on your pup,training him ,starting him,and hopefully in a few seasons,being able to stand back and admire him working..

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