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Undocked Spaniel

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I've been offered a great, but undocked 15 month cocker spaniel who is highly trained but never been worked. I'd like to work him in the future once he's been trained up but him being undocked is obviously a problem. Any advice on whether it might be ok to work him undocked but run risks, and whether it's much, much too late to dock him (suspect this is the case.) Are there any alternatives to docking that you know such as binding up the tail?

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my advice is go for it, i have a springer who has a full tail, she catch's it and it bleeds but thats life, i wish she was docked when we got her but i wouldn't change her for the world...


there is ways of protecting the tail so don't rule the dog out if you like him.


also if your vet is fully understanding and is in favour of docking he may amputate teh tail,would cost around £200 though...


Good luck and if you get him get some images up.



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  On 01/12/2009 at 23:30, rickyspringer said:

my advice is go for it, i have a springer who has a full tail, she catch's it and it bleeds but thats life, i wish she was docked when we got her but i wouldn't change her for the world...


there is ways of protecting the tail so don't rule the dog out if you like him.


also if your vet is fully understanding and is in favour of docking he may amputate teh tail,would cost around £200 though...


Good luck and if you get him get some images up.




your dog should be ok as she is unless your going to go out every day and work them all the time mate

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Go for it!! It may not be a problem at all. There are quite a few undocked spaniels on our shoot. Some have problems with their tails and others dont. And there are quite a few in the trialing world too.


I would not be put off by it at all. If it does become a problem, then as long as your vet knows what has been happening and has seen evidence of the tail damage then they shouldnt have any problem in removing it!


Good luck!!!

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I have an undocked cocker who has been fine so far, they seem to cope a bit better than springers imo.

She works really nasty cover bramble blackthorn etc and fingers crossed so far everything is ok.

It sounds fantastic I would snap it up personally :notworthy:

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  On 03/12/2009 at 20:51, man1nvan said:

I have a young 18 month springer, he has been out a dozen times thtis year, absolutely no problems and he hunts like hell in the brambles, it doesn't seem to make much difference, i have wondered if it is because a full tail wags slower, or maybe the extra fur helps?

I also have the same thoughts as the one with the undocked tail carries it low in thick cover but some i have seen with short docks the tail has been carried high catching on thorns and such its only something i have noticed in my own dogs.atb dell
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Turns out that the previous owners, not being shooting people, didn't realise the tail was docked, as only about 1/3 has been taken off. So from your replies, maybe this is a good thing on both counts! Just started training him up today and he's got a brilliant nose...pictures to follow!

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Having trained and worked terriers retreivers cockers and springers over the last 30 odd years (christ im geting on a bit) I have had to reduce my kennel to just four dogs an old springer docked by me one third removed and two young cockers and a young springer all with undocked tails the old guy never gets his tail damaged the two undocked dogs always get tail damaged they work two or three days a week and unless we get this stupid law :wallbash: changed in Scotland I cant breed any replacements .

Everyone in Scotland who has a dog with tail damage should send a full colour picture to the ****holes in Edinburgh that we call our goverment.

Aw well rant over I feel better now :bye:

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  On 07/12/2009 at 21:07, Hoolit said:

Having trained and worked terriers retreivers cockers and springers over the last 30 odd years (christ im geting on a bit) I have had to reduce my kennel to just four dogs an old springer docked by me one third removed and two young cockers and a young springer all with undocked tails the old guy never gets his tail damaged the two undocked dogs always get tail damaged they work two or three days a week and unless we get this stupid law :wallbash: changed in Scotland I cant breed any replacements .

Everyone in Scotland who has a dog with tail damage should send a full colour picture to the ****holes in Edinburgh that we call our goverment.

Aw well rant over I feel better now :bye:

yes its bad that you can not dock the tails i feel for you but its the show people that have done all this to our sport no one eles the day they see this the better.

what we need to do is prove to them that the dogs are working and the results when they not docked, i bet that lots of the goverment people that do shooting ( there nust be hundreds in scotland) have dogs and stil get them docked but get around this. wish i new who thye were and take pics when they shooting and print them in local new papers be good read that

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