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Bit mooch up the golf course!

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Awoke this morning to be pleasantly surprised jack frost had been out last night :thumbs: . First thoughts im going ferreting today . So after a cuppa and slice of toast i gets meself ready and awakens the stinkers lol. All 3 were were allready up as if to say what took you so fecking long :D . Handfull of nets ,spade ,bag, ferrets,and locater and collars and i was off.


After a slowish walk up (leg still fecked) i arrived at the golf course and seen the head green keeper having a cuppa . Popped over and had 5 with him and was pleased when he said the course was shut due to being waterlogged so it was just the groundstaff and me ;) .


Said our good byes and i headed off to the other side of the course and sat on top of this hill and had 5 whilst i enjoyed the morning air and peace and quiet.




Today i was just going to do the easy and accessable setts as i was on me tod . Netted a 15 holer up and collared the ferts up . I decided to bring the 2 poleys today brother and sister . Collars on i entered the jill and stood back.








After about 10 minutes not much going on i got the locater out and had a quick sweep . She was deep to ground 7ft looks like bugs did`nt want to leave his bed lol . Gave her a bit longer and i heard movement she had turned it and no sooner had i thought that number 1 was pursed up good and proper :toast: .

Stuck the hob in aswell and everthing was quiet again only the birds twittering and me waiting in antisapation :laugh: . Suddenly i had a double bolt but not in the net i must of mist a pop hole somewhere feck knowswhere as i had double checked . Funny thing was the 2 rabbits did`nt run for there freedom they had stopped in well kind of no mans land :blink: . I was motionless when the hob appeared lol he had found the pop hole :laugh:




He was off like linford fecking christie into no mans land after bugs . This was like slow motion watching the 2 rabbits turn to see linford coming up there arse :clapper: . Bugs were off :( but straight in direction of nets set out . 1 it the first net to back net itself then the 2 did excatly the same :yahoo: brilliant i was buzzing :11: .


So with that madness i picked up the nets as nowt more was at home and headed off to do a nice little 3-4 holer .






Hob entered this time and i did`nt have to wait long as 1 bolted straight away wey hey number 4 in the bag . This was good sport ferrets grafting and rabbits playing ball .


Next set was a nice little 6 holer which normally allways holds a rabbit so nets down and jill in this time .








I could hear a bit thumbing going on when whooosh number 5 exited like an express train :toast: . Tried a sett not far from this 1 but it was empty so was quite happy to finish with 5 healthy rabbits and a bit work out for the ferts .

A great few hours out in the fresh air with a handfull of nets couple of ferrets and not a soul in sight absolute bloody bliss

Heres a the end of day pic and the jill raggin a bunny








Noticed this rabbit had a white foot lol




Feet up for me with a few beers and watch the footy :drink: cheers for reading FV ;)

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Good going mate....


might seem a daft question mate but why do you shove the centre of the net down the hole??


Never done it myself or seen it done, just curious!


p.s If you need a hand anytime gimme a shout :thumbs:



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