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Beginner wanting to satrt

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Hi, I am 15 yearsold and am a very keen carp angler. I am looking for a fieldsport (rabbiting) to do in the winter when the ponds are frozen over and just something different. I live in south cumbria so fields arent a problem and I Know a few farmers who I oculd see aout permissiion. I have a Beddie x Whippet who is just over a year old and has just been spayed. What is the best way in getting into rabbiting especially with a lurcher? Also what are the laws about hunting with lurchers as I have read a few threads about dogs being confiscated thts the last thing I want.

Thanks all info appriciated


P.s I am going beating on a pheasent shoot for the first time of saturday whihc am looking forward to.

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Important Info (UK)

Please note UK Members as of February 2005 hunting with dogs within (England, Scotland & Wales) is banned with the exception of RATS & RABBITS which are still legal quarry. Flushing to gun is still legal using dogs.

Any future posts/topics containing images contravening these laws will be removed by the moderators, unless shown to be dispatched using the correct means..i.e gun.


The main exemptions under the Act are ratting and rabbiting, stalking and flushing out with no more than two dogs, and the use of a dog below ground to protect birds kept for shooting. LINK.


Anyone adding images to the site, will carry the sole responsibility for them. Images showing quarry should only be shown if they are legal within your country of origin OR they were taken in conjunction with a legal method i.e shooting.


As another note images showing quarry in the process of being killed will be moderated, this is not the done thing on a forum open to the world...At a time when government are trying to tighten the laws further on all fieldsports, its all of our duties to show respect for the quarry we hunt and the way we go about our sport..



You are responsible for your actions, try and be sensible with it.

This is just the forum rules mostly but you can fin more here... Click here, on the actual Lurchers and Running Dogs, section.

yes it is just instinct to the dog to chase its prey, eventually it will get the hang of it, dont stop now ;)



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