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spaniel or terrier

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I would only ever use him on Vermin and depends on the country, I only shoot over my Terrier when the cover is real thick and when flushing out large wood piles, in more open cover or fell land he will get away from my to much :wallbash:

He is useful when shooting Rooks as he enjoys dispatching them.



Edited by Dave C
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I would say terrier mate , I have a bedlington terrier and she will work brilliant , she is 10x's better than some of the spaniels on my shoot. She is great at working cover, will flush anything , rabbits, partridge, pheasant ,basicly she will go for anything that moves haha. She is a proper cracking dog.


Few pic's of her.








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I will have to agree with Gazza, 'that is a very nice Beddlington by the way Gazza' a good Terrier will beat a good Spaniel most days! The only thing that worries me about some Terriers, if they are proper keen for the job they will go to ground and could be lost!! Thats why most of my pack are Hounds and Hound crosses. I have never seen a Spaniel yet that could live with them for finding and flushing game! I can only go off what I have seen.


Here are some of my pack at a mark


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Don't use the terrier for earth work and you probably won't find him gone to ground mid drive or bushing session. I never use mine for earth work but he is without a doubt one of the best dogs for finding/flushing game from thick cover on our shoot. Goes where even spanials wont go!! :clapper:

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Depends on what is in front of the dog !

My springer can be sent into a group of birds grouped together and will stop and return on the whistle !

My border terrier would charge in and try and kill them all and not return untill they had all flushed or she had killed one. And as for rabbits/fox she would chase one to the end of the earth.


Love them both but the terrier stays at home when i am beating.

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