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f*****g with my head

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ive got 2 dogs in the back garden 10 month of age. one is becoming a very good worker and the other is not so as yet, but is a more loving dog. my mam wants me to get rid of the good working one whats showing all of the signs of being a very good worker just because of the fact that he is a bugger & she wants to keep the loving one which is not showing signs up to now. this is playing with my head because she wants to get rid of him soon and if this other dog turnes out to be s**t im buggerd. ive told her if she is going to get rid of this dog im going straight out the door with it. (guilt trip) just asking you lads what you would do?? thanks



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Tell her your keeping the 'C*nt' and he will probaly get worse when he is bored by himself, remind her about the plight of rehomed lurchers (good tug on the heart strings ;) )failing that get your own place and keep em both :victory:


Do they live in or out? if they live in is it not worth trying a kennelmaybe. Hope the situation sorts itself out mate :)


atvb Richard

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Bad times fella...What is the main reason that she wants rid of this dog.if its just because he's being a bugger can you not just keep putting her off until he grows up a bit afterall the longer he's there the more chance youve got of keeping him.

Try to keep it civil mate afterall you only get one mum but if all else fails youll have to lock her out and claim squaters rights hey? :gunsmilie::gunsmilie::gunsmilie:


Edited by fensaluki
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