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Boy of Four killed in dog attack Liverpool

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  On 30/11/2009 at 23:52, maxhardcore said:


Got to disagree, yes there will be dogs that are just born bad although in the scheme of things few and far between if thats the case they should be put to sleep at the first ever sign of aggression towards Humans no matter what the breed or cross. But as with people most dogs are the product of there surroundings ,upbringing, training and socioalisation. A very sad case indeed but imo on the most part its got to be the fault of those who own or are in control of the dog.




Its the old Nurture versus Nature debate again.....without doubt nurture ( upbringing /environment ) has a big part to play....but you disregard nature at your own risk....its easier to make a bad dog good than it is to make a good dog bad......in other words " You cannot put in what nature left out ".

Edited by gnasher16
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  On 01/12/2009 at 20:07, gnasher16 said:
  On 30/11/2009 at 23:52, maxhardcore said:


Got to disagree, yes there will be dogs that are just born bad although in the scheme of things few and far between if thats the case they should be put to sleep at the first ever sign of aggression towards Humans no matter what the breed or cross. But as with people most dogs are the product of there surroundings ,upbringing, training and socioalisation. A very sad case indeed but imo on the most part its got to be the fault of those who own or are in control of the dog.




Its the old Nurture versus Nature debate again.....without doubt nurture ( upbringing /environment ) has a big part to play....but you disregard nayure at your own risk....its easier to make a bad dog good than it is to make a good dog bad......in other words " You cannot put in what nature left out ".


:clapper::clapper::clapper: never a wiser word

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  On 01/12/2009 at 18:11, ratattack said:

Of course they can! If you were lying on a couch and a terrier took a dislike to your throat, would you survive??? I doubt it :wallbash: If a rottie or bull breed did it you wouldn't survive, if a feckin poodle did it you wouldn't survive! They are all WILD animals at heart, yes there will always be good and bad but they are only that way through stupid owners. ANY dog will revert to it's natural insticts if it goes feral and it will kill if needed they are carnivores after all. :doh: Thats called nature, we as humans have tamed their insticts to an extent but there is NO way any dog can be fully trusted around children. People need trained not just dogs.


Any human is capable of killing, just some choose not to and some don't, same with dogs.






You really think dogs make a conscious decision not to kill humans ?.....dogs dont make rational decisions like we do,they operate out of drive,instinct and learned behaviour.....hence your lurcher doesnt wake up one day and decide to chase a hare....



You say any human is capable of killing...yes physically capable....but not mentally,its just not in some people no matter what the provacation....its not even in some people to be violent let alone killers......nature doesnt produce living species that are uniform in make shape and character....never has and never will.....thankfully a dog born bad/evil is a very rare thing as it is with humans....but its not unheard of.

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  On 01/12/2009 at 19:26, ratattack said:

You miss the point shepp, i am aware of the differences but someone else seems to think only bull/rotties can kill people. the point is ANY breed is capable not just so called dangerous dogs.



not being rude but thats just a " trendy saying "....sorry but a chihuaha just could not kill me...or any other reasonably strong fit fella,in fact id go as far as to say very few dogs could....maybe what you mean is any dog can have " the mind " to kill......whether they physically could or not is a different ball game and most breeds couldnt.

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i can't understand why this person had such a dangerous dog if he knew he would be working away,also

was the lady who was injured was she capable of controlling such a dog,sorry about the young kid,but those

type of dogs are unstable,biological timebombs and for that reason i would never own one,there are enough problems with less dangerous breeds when they decide to bite,


Edited by higgins
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This is a very sad story. :( It seems never ending the amount of kids that are attacked by dogs these days. I wonder if the way children and dogs get on has changed from when I was little. When I was a small kid we lived on an estate were kids and dogs played together in the streets. Every kid seemed to have a dog that followed them about. Dogs and kids were like one big pack and both seem to have a great understanding of each other. But now I hardly ever see dogs and kids playing. :no: Dogs are only taken out on leads as the roads are too dangerous to let them run lose and kids are stuck on the PC To busy twittering to go out and play. Has something been lost in the relationship between dogs and kids?

This kid was only 4 so should never have been left alone with a dog of any breed. But is there any age we can leave a dog with a kid. ? If the relationship I remember having with dogs as a kid is a thing of the past. Then maybe no age is safe.

That said I think anyone who has a pit bull should know better than to leave it with a child.

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  On 01/12/2009 at 21:09, jacrabbit said:

This is a very sad story. :( It seems never ending the amount of kids that are attacked by dogs these days. I wonder if the way children and dogs get on has changed from when I was little. When I was a small kid we lived on an estate were kids and dogs played together in the streets. Every kid seemed to have a dog that followed them about. Dogs and kids were like one big pack and both seem to have a great understanding of each other. But now I hardly ever see dogs and kids playing. :no: Dogs are only taken out on leads as the roads are too dangerous to let them run lose and kids are stuck on the PC To busy twittering to go out and play. Has something been lost in the relationship between dogs and kids?

This kid was only 4 so should never have been left alone with a dog of any breed. But is there any age we can leave a dog with a kid. ? If the relationship I remember having with dogs as a kid is a thing of the past. Then maybe no age is safe.

That said I think anyone who has a pit bull should know better than to leave it with a child.


I doubt any of the dogs following you or your friends around then would be what we class today as dangerous breeds.

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  On 01/12/2009 at 20:30, ArchieHood said:

You can argue,debate,and agree to disagree until your blue in the face,but one simple fact remains that everyone must agree on, if the owner hadn't broken the law by keeping an illegal dog,the young lad would still be alive today.


If the owner of the dog wasn't an idiot and knew what he was doing with a dog like this then he could of kept the dog and the kid would still be alive.


Unfortunately the div wasn't/isn't responsible enough to keep a dog of this type.


IMO it's like allowing a child to play with a shotgun, most of the time it'll be empty and completely harmless but it only takes that one slip of concentration where complacency sets in and the result is a dead kid.

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  On 03/12/2009 at 14:21, Swampy said:



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I think the authorities are walking down a dodgy road with trying to do the fella for manslaughter.....have the pakies who bred the dog that killed the little girl from liverpool been tracked down and charged with manslaughter as well.


If a rottweiler go,s nuts and kills a kid next week will the breeder or owner of that be charged with manslaughter or only people who own illegal breeds ? i mean a kids no less dead if its killed by a legal breed right ?


If i go and blow someones head off with a shotgun will the person be any less dead or the punishment be any less if i had a gun licence therefore making it a legal weapon ?.......i dont think they have thought this one through.

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I think charging the lad with manslaughter is about the best option really.

Something needs to be done to get through to these chavs that they will be made responsible for any actions there dogs may carry out.

As long as he gets banged up for a few years i'll be happy.

Pitbulls or any other powerfull agressive breeds should not be kept around children!

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