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2 easy digs today

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Was out today with my 2 terriers and keano and we went to check a few earths that I had been keeping an eye on so we got to our destination. Keano also had his pup and his cross bread bitch, so we got to the very first earth and we got my terrier young MO collared him up he was away about 5 mins then we heard barking and thumping below our feet put on the b&f got a reading on him 0.5 steady. We broke though to him on no time,there he was mixing it well with charlie, Keano pulled him out then the fox was humanly dispatched I was very pleased with the young dog for showing his eagerness and keeness and to stay with his quarry so we moved on tryed a few more (giving keanos bitch a few run thoughs) then it was the very last one as we were on our way back, decided to give the black patt another run though he was in for about 20 mins before we got a steady mark on him the reading was jumping from 1.1 to 1.3 started digging away to it then broke though as we broke though it slinked by the dog and hit the net, then I went over and made sure it was quickly dispatched off, for all in all it turned out a good day glad keano came along with me his wee black and tan bitch was showing loads of intress so it was turned out a day heres a few pics from today



Edited by scoop and digger
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Was out today with my 2 terriers and keano and we went to check a few earths that I had been keeping an eye on so we got to our destination. Keano also had his pup and his cross bread bitch, so we got to the very first earth and we got my terrier young MO collared him up he was away about 5 mins then we heard barking and thumping below our feet put on the b&f got a reading on him 0.5 steady. We broke though to him on no time,there he was mixing it well with charlie, Keano pulled him out then the fox was humanly dispatched I was very pleased with the young dog for showing his eagerness and keeness and to stay with his quarry so we moved on tryed a few more (giving keanos bitch a few run thoughs) then it was the very last one as we were on our way back, decided to give the black patt another run though he was in for about 20 mins before we got a steady mark on him the reading was jumping from 1.1 to 1.3 started digging away to it then broke though as we broke though it slinked by the dog and hit the net, then I went over and made sure it was quickly dispatched off, for all in all it turned out a good day glad keano came along with me his wee black and tanned bitch was showing loads of intress so it was turned out a day heres a few pics from today

Nice going lads, good to hear of a couple a charlie in the bag, keep up the good graft and ATB with MO he isnt half coming on in leaps and bounds.


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Was out today with my 2 terriers and keano and we went to check a few earths that I had been keeping an eye on so we got to our destination. Keano also had his pup and his cross bread bitch, so we got to the very first earth and we got my terrier young MO collared him up he was away about 5 mins then we heard barking and thumping below our feet put on the b&f got a reading on him 0.5 steady. We broke though to him on no time,there he was mixing it well with charlie, Keano pulled him out then the fox was humanly dispatched I was very pleased with the young dog for showing his eagerness and keeness and to stay with his quarry so we moved on tryed a few more (giving keanos bitch a few run thoughs) then it was the very last one as we were on our way back, decided to give the black patt another run though he was in for about 20 mins before we got a steady mark on him the reading was jumping from 1.1 to 1.3 started digging away to it then broke though as we broke though it slinked by the dog and hit the net, then I went over and made sure it was quickly dispatched off, for all in all it turned out a good day glad keano came along with me his wee black and tanned bitch was showing loads of intress so it was turned out a day heres a few pics from today

Nice going lads, good to hear of a couple a charlie in the bag, keep up the good graft and ATB with MO he isnt half coming on in leaps and bounds.


he keen as mustard luke and very game bud
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