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Airgun ban : call for help

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Fellow powder burners may i have your attention.




You may/may not be aware of the looming airgun ban in scotland. if this was to be succesfull then i belive it would truly be the beggining of the end of airgun shooting in the u.k. this act if passed would deprive many honest law abiding folk of many hours enjoyment of their favourite hobby/interest , even livelyhood.


We need a show of strength on this one people!



we are all in this together in a way after all ,could everyone who has not done so already please sign the petition below





many thanks in advance:)

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I think it is well known on this site that I have little time for officialdom, exams, tests, restrictions etc, etc but I still abide by the law! Unfortunately, many of the threads I have seen in the airgun section have been asking for a ban for years.


There are some prime idiots here who seem to not only be brain dead but simply don't care either. Does it not occur to them that idiotic post on public forums are read by all and sundry and continued stupid posts lead to the individuals/groups own demise!


It is a shame for all normal, sensible, reasonable airgun owners,(the majority of course) that a handful of pratts can have such an influence on their sport/business.


Unfortunately that is precisely what the shooting community has had to endure for years, Thomas Hamilton and Michael Ryan come quickly to mind....

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I agree with some of your points Deker. The minority spoiling it for the majority.



Now.....I don't shoot an air gun any longer, but what I have done is signed the petition, as I do believe that all elements of the shooting fraternity, in what ever capacity, should stick together.


When air guns are banned, they will start on the next thing.......


So, together we stand, divided we fall!!


Irrespective of our interests, country sports participants are slowly getting a raw deal. There is no room for small clique groups in the future.. SO I would urge everyone to sign the petition, and get everyone you now to sign the petition.....


The writing is on the wall.




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I think it is well known on this site that I have little time for officialdom, exams, tests, restrictions etc, etc but I still abide by the law! Unfortunately, many of the threads I have seen in the airgun section have been asking for a ban for years.


There are some prime idiots here who seem to not only be brain dead but simply don't care either. Does it not occur to them that idiotic post on public forums are read by all and sundry and continued stupid posts lead to the individuals/groups own demise!


It is a shame for all normal, sensible, reasonable airgun owners,(the majority of course) that a handful of pratts can have such an influence on their sport/business.


Unfortunately that is precisely what the shooting community has had to endure for years, Thomas Hamilton and Michael Ryan come quickly to mind....

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I think it is well known on this site that I have little time for officialdom, exams, tests, restrictions etc, etc but I still abide by the law! Unfortunately, many of the threads I have seen in the airgun section have been asking for a ban for years.


There are some prime idiots here who seem to not only be brain dead but simply don't care either. Does it not occur to them that idiotic post on public forums are read by all and sundry and continued stupid posts lead to the individuals/groups own demise!


It is a shame for all normal, sensible, reasonable airgun owners,(the majority of course) that a handful of pratts can have such an influence on their sport/business.


Unfortunately that is precisely what the shooting community has had to endure for years, Thomas Hamilton and Michael Ryan come quickly to mind....



I take it you don't put 'some ' of your posts in this bracket then ?

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The Scottish parliament is after getting more powers, to become more devolved from Westminster. This is not going to happen overnight, but could be pushed through sometime quite soon I guess. When it was first reported, they listed their intentions, the first one being to raise or lower taxes for Scotland. Then, depending on what news report you saw, the 2nd or 3rd item, was banning air guns. As there has been a lot of incidents in Scotland with air guns,this was probably seen as a way to get the public behind more devolution. My guess anyway.

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I fail to see what a ban on air guns will achieve. How many people steal an air rifle and rob a bank with it? Or murder someone with an air gun? Frankly i think there are better things to ban. Sure, if they want to regulate them then fair enough, maybe have a license for them. But are air guns such a danger?!

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When they say ban do they mean regulate or licence? Or are they actually going to completely ban owning an air rifle? I can't imagine they'll stop people owning them entirely.


Exactly,my thought too..

ban NO! Register Air eapons YES :thumbs:

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It is a shame for all normal, sensible, reasonable airgun owners,(the majority of course) that a handful of pratts can have such an influence on their sport/business.


Unfortunately that is precisely what the shooting community has had to endure for years, Thomas Hamilton and Michael Ryan come quickly to mind....



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i have been glimpsing the posts here, and being from the U.S., i'm REALLY shocked at the kind of hoops you guys and girls across the pond have to jump through just to get anything. and now airguns. i really feel fortunate that i can do what i do, i just can't help but think that the states would be in the same situation in the future.

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I agree with some of your points Deker. The minority spoiling it for the majority.



Now.....I don't shoot an air gun any longer, but what I have done is signed the petition, as I do believe that all elements of the shooting fraternity, in what ever capacity, should stick together.


When air guns are banned, they will start on the next thing.......


So, together we stand, divided we fall!!


Irrespective of our interests, country sports participants are slowly getting a raw deal. There is no room for small clique groups in the future.. SO I would urge everyone to sign the petition, and get everyone you now to sign the petition.....


The writing is on the wall.



Totally agree with this so have signed too..... I started shooting as a boy with an airgun (well, a gat !), how else are the young ones going to come into the sport ? The cynic in me says they are trying to cut off the lifeblood of the sport

Edited by spanj
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When they say ban do they mean regulate or licence? Or are they actually going to completely ban owning an air rifle? I can't imagine they'll stop people owning them entirely.


Exactly,my thought too..

ban NO! Register Air eapons YES :thumbs:


Well I was talking about this today, the kind of offenses that are attributed to airguns are little sh1ts shooting people with them and as there have been a few high profile injuries this has led to the typical knee jerk reaction "ban everything"!! As per usual the responsible users are penalised and the criminals won't care and carry one as normal.


So would maybe an airgun register be something that could be useful? If you were caught with an unregistered air weapon you'd be in serious trouble. The police would then be able to rule out the legal airguns with relative ease should there be an incident. But the main point would be that people would think twice before keeping an airgun for illegal activities because the penalty for not registering it would be severe.


Anyone think this could be workable?


I'm sick of the politicans going in so heavy handed and not thinking about the law abiding users who virtually never do anything wrong.

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