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The rocking rabbit

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i think personally that setting up a stink pit, or stink tube, would be better suited,


And its also a proven method.... and won't cost that much to make.



I agree, you are better off making a bait station, the smell of the bait will attract the fox more likely than the rabbit.

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Was thinking of purchasing myself one of these rocking rabbit decoys for a bit of early morning charlie shooting. Has anyone used these before and are they any good? All advice welcome

Have a look at my fox decoy in the for sale section, this is far far superior than the plastic rocking rabbit, the rabbit is only good in short grass fields and not very effective, the one i have gets a Foxes attention and its fixated on it.




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Never used Decoys for the fox, certainly baited for him, commonly with rabbit, so interested to see peoples views on "decoys".


I have found though, if a fox finds his food source and becomes a nuisance he becomes a creature of habit and tends to be relatively straightforward to ambush! Hence food bait. If you don't have a source of rabbit, then the cheapest tinned dog food you can find tends to work pretty well!


Bait/stink pits sounds a better bet to me than decoys, but perhaps there is a place for both in some situations!

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i personally have no experiance of fox decoying either.

i find the best time to bait them( with food not strong dogs!!!)is in winter( frozen ground). i then set up a point around hides/high seats.

either frozen scraps ( frozen in a bucket) which will thaw very slowly in the ground allowing the prey to either work or only take small amounts at a time.hence a solid food source over days allowing you to find out times( tip clock) and possibly shoot more than one fox at a sitting.


or a tube with dry dog food which can be replenished and will not freeze up.( mice will take a fair bit but the fox will come for them too).


both are good time saving methods,if done at the right time you can sit at full moon with alittle frost and see whats going on even without the lamp.


i'm sure a decoy has uses. maybe i'm just too tight :whistling:

good luck!

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i personally have no experiance of fox decoying either.

i find the best time to bait them( with food not strong dogs!!!)is in winter( frozen ground). i then set up a point around hides/high seats.

either frozen scraps ( frozen in a bucket) which will thaw very slowly in the ground allowing the prey to either work or only take small amounts at a time.hence a solid food source over days allowing you to find out times( tip clock) and possibly shoot more than one fox at a sitting.


or a tube with dry dog food which can be replenished and will not freeze up.( mice will take a fair bit but the fox will come for them too).


both are good time saving methods,if done at the right time you can sit at full moon with alittle frost and see whats going on even without the lamp.


i'm sure a decoy has uses. maybe i'm just too tight :whistling:

good luck!


And if Charley doesn't turn up you can shoot the mice as a consolation prize . . .



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If you do decide to go down the baiting route, also try a tin of lovely smelly sardines (35p from Tesco's lol!). You can try leaving a trail form the oil and then smear them up gateposts.telegraph poles, in a crack in a wall or just leave in the middle of a field (I think you get the idea). Usually handy to have some cheap latex gloves to stop your hands from stinking though.


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