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cow hocked

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I have seen quite a few Lurchers with cow hocks and it never stopped them working. Infact Two of them were brilliant lampers, one came from the Dishforth area and one lived local and I dare bet DUCKWING can remember 'Rex' from South Church? Rex was a canine super star on the lamp, I have never seen a lurcher so badly cow hocked and to look at he sure was the ugly duckling that never grew into a swan. Can you remember him DUCKWING?

Regards Warren

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I would say that the only thing that can be affected by being cow hocked is the take off speed.

I used to think that cow hocks weren't as strong as straight hocks but having had one or two dogs that were cow hocked I'd now have to say that unless it is an extreme case then it doesn't seem to affect them at all.

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