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Johnny Cash

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On my mobile,so am a wee bit late. BBC4 on FREEVIEW Ch9 now until 2.30am. Av got the vodka in !! Enjoy......


Is that Joe Strummer in your avatar?


Now he is up there with Johnny Cash....

Its Paul Simonan,but your spot on regarding Strummer.

Unfortunately mixing the flu with vodka meant i was out cold before the second part..............

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cash was a great artist. far better than elvis and many more of the early artists imo.

and the clash just fantastic.one of my favourite bands.far better than the pistols and the rest of the late 70s punk bands imo.

stay free. :thumbs:


every cripple has his way of walking, and every man has his own opinion, but the clash better than the pistols!!!! behave yourself, the pistols were the only true punk band (i.m.o) the rest just cashed in and sold out...rock the f*****g casbah!!!! need i say more...




p.s. clash, johnny cash = 1st class, sunday morning coming down, check it out...

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now then yokel.i never said ididnt like the pistols.but they did one good album nmtb.

look back at the clash.they mixed punk,rock and a dash of reggea.with a good dose of the workingmans fire in there bellys.shout it from the terraces to boot.

yes, they also crossed into the main stream.

but come on.johnny rotten.selling himself on the telly for a butter ad.and im a celeb.its not like hes skint.but i do like the guy he speaks his mind and he knows the system and how it works and how to use it.ya cant beat it so join it and work it for ya self.think they made a mistake in going back out gigging though.should have let there legacy stand as it was.fire in ya bellys is a young mans game.

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Strummer wrote 'long shadow' for Cash but Cash couldnt understand what strummer was trying to say... they put it out on strummers last album (good track)...allways thought the Ruts did the punk reggae thing better than the Clash...the Pistols...in a class of their own! :thumbs:

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