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222 reloading gear

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I reload .222 and bought a set up earlier this year.


I have been told on good authority that Lee dies are not the best out there, neither are a few of the presses they make for Rifle reloading. I bought a Redding press and two Redding dies along with a scales, case tumbler, as well as case trimmer and accessories and IIRC it was around £350?


Thats not including powder, heads, primers etc :thumbs:

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can anyone give me a good idea on what it would cost for a complete setup to relaod 222

i have been offered some lee dies are lee a good make . i dont want to spend to much

as i might aswell just use factory ammo

Lee give you a lifetime guarantee wit all there reloading gear if it fails contact them and they will send a relacement free of postage and charge from USA, i broke the leaver onmy press and i had it replaced within a week

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the lees dies will perform well, but if you want to make your ammo the best it can be don't buy them, if you can get your hands on a concentricity gauge, check the runout on a fired case, run it through the lee die, to necksize it, then check the runout again....icon_eek.gif


they will produce quite good ammo, but i got rid of mine when i saw what was REALLY going on, If your on a budget the lee is the way to go...


however having seen what i have seen and what my friends have seen with theirs, i wouldn't recommend lee dies......




just my humble opinion........



good luck






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redding or forrester dies if you are on a budget...... lee single stage press if you are on a budget, or a redding or rcbs press if you have a little cash.


Steer away from the lee balance scales they are pants.... get rcbs, or a digital set if you prefer......


hope this helps..







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