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Hi Folks


Just wanted to say hello, I'm a new member, have been shooting for a number of years mainly with shotgun, but have recently been undertaking pest control on private land with a HW 35. .22 RWS Super Hollow Point. I tend to shoot out at a max to 40yds.


I have recently purchased an Air Arms s410 .177 which came with a tin of AA Field pellets which I have used for zeroing in at 30 yards. Does any one have any recommedations for pellets to use with this gun for pest control? I'm very happy with the RWS SHP in the Wierauch out to 35 yards but would appreciate any advice on the .177 hunting pellet of choice.


Thanks in advance



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Hi and welcome, like yourself I also shoot with an S410 but in 22. I have found that the best pellet for me and my gun has to be Air Arms field, they give good groups and work great on feather and fur.

Have tried other pellets before but these work best for me! what I would say is once you have chosen a pellet that works for you stick with it, cause another make or even size may not hit that zero the same each time you take your shot.

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I think that it depends on your barrel mate.


All barrels are different despite being made the same. Two barrels made side by side could like different pellets.


I think its better that you try as many brands as possible to find what your barrel likes.


I have just started shooting .177 again and my gun loves Bisley Magnums. They are top quality for pest control.


Any of the below brands are worth trying:


Bisley Magnums


Webley Accupels


RWS Super domes.


Best of luck mate



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Many thanks for the responses, I will certainly give the pellets mentioned a try and see what results i get. Now all I need is for this rain to stop so that I can get out. Although we have a light dusting of snow this morning in the hills so that will keep the rabbits down until dusk.


Thanks again



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Hi, mate!


I use a 410 but in .22. Seems to like H and N FTT's and Loguns best.


I've used .177 for many years before and as Zini said, the best pellets I found were the Mags and Baracudas (same things).


Try them, if your gun likes them, you won't go far wrong.


Cheers, and good luck!


PS... There was no real reason for me changeing caliber. I really don't think it matters too much with the p*ss all power we've got and the ranges we shoot at.....

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Hi Wuzzy/AndyFR


Thank you both for the feedback, I'm currently using the AA Fields that I got with the gun, I am very happy with the grouping, achieving about a 10mm group at 35M from an unaided prone position. This is good for me, so I'm happy with the combo.

Made first kill with the new gun this morning, took a Maggie at about 38m, nice head shot did not even flutter just "lights out". Upon examination found pellet had entered and exited with little evidence of expansion. Still concerned that for not head shots, (and we all make them, me perhaps more than others), this pellet would not transfer as much energy as say a hollow point.


Your thoughts, or personal experience would be appreciated.


Good hunting.



Edited by Livinhope
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Loads of good info here, just one point take a look on the net as you an buy multi-packs of pellets. This will at least let you try a few different types without costing you a fortune. :D


Let us know which ones you get on with.



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Hi mate personly I all ways used to use acupell in my s410 177 but I ran out one day and miss placed my new tin so had to use a tin of elley wasps I allways thought of these as rubbish hence the full tin wich some one gave me being in the cuboard for about 5 years but when in need so I re zeroed my rifle wich wasnt far out between the acupell and the wasps and now I woudnt use anything else I allways thought whats the point in having a £400 pound gun and putting shite through it but these are realy well suited to my rifle and there cheaper than most outhers so I guess its just trail and error.


ATB ulverston moocher :thumbs:

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Stick to a good dome-head, LH.


H points are ok for very close range stuff but slow down very quickly in flight, and don't tend to be anything like as accurate.


As has been said, some places do a selection of pellets, so try as many as you can. What works best in one gun may be sh*te in another, even in guns of the same types. Airguns can be fussy little buggers, sometimes!




Edit to say... As UM has said, not always the most expensive stuff works best. I too found Wasps worked best in an HW80 (.22) I had years ago! My HW90 sprays Loguns like a shotgun but loves Baracudas. My 410c loves the Loguns but does not get on with Baracudas at all....

Edited by andyfr1968
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I might be teaching my grandmother to suck eggs but no one seems to have mentioned. . .


When trying different pellets its best to clean your barrel after each type you try and then put 30+ pellets minimum through of the next type before deciding how they compare. Some folk would say don't clean - but you'd still need 30+ of each pellet. If you swap pellets willy-nilly, a few of these and then a few of those etc then they'll fly all over the place and you won't end up making a fair comparison.


hope this helps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys


Well I have now put three different brands through the AA S410 .177.


The results so far:


Air Arms Field Diablo : 30m Zero, unaided prone 10 shot group, 1 contiguous hole with an approximate 9mm diameter.


JSB Exacts: 30m Zero unaided prone 9 shot group, 1 flyer, but about a 12mm diameter.


RWS Super Hollow: 30m zero, unaided prone, all over the place, I cant believe it, must have had 4 or 5 flyers. These pellets works so well in my Weirhauch WH 35 Springer, and they are so good for pest control. But in the AA S410 they are next to useles.


Next step is to try a few more of the pellets suggested and hope they are more suitable for pest control than the AAs and JSBs as I think they both still have a tendency to drill through rather than transfer the energy.


I will let you know how I get on.





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