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best lurcher for open hunting

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never will be a best lurcher saw good in every cross amd only a small percentage of first crosses are great all rounders on all game ,some not pacy some not fast enough bred afew lits 20 yrs ago mate god dogs but not for open feild hunting after christmas when the game got harder and wiser

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ive always believed that the best lurcher for "open hunting" is the first cross collie /greyhound.just like to hear your thoughts/views on this.thanks.


i ve kept bull greyhounds for a few years and can t fault their drive or stamina but the best all round dog i ve seen was a bedlington whippet greyhound bitch about 23 tts. it was a while ago now but she would do daytime hare , fox single handed and draw with the terriers. she would walk along the lane then dive in the hedge and get a pheasant. bigger quarry she was just as game on. we tried 2 good dogs over this bitch but the progency never amounted to anything.

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  • 1 month later...

ive always believed that the best lurcher for "open hunting" is the first cross collie /greyhound.just like to hear your thoughts/views on this.thanks.


What a load of tosh, where did you get that from, a Plummers book,

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