Guest Side by Side Posted September 17, 2006 Report Share Posted September 17, 2006 by the way sbs that pic on the school bus is crap :11: now now cramp no need to be jeloous just becasue i am a beter looking twat than you are you all cart all be as lucky as me can you?? happy hunting SBS Quote Link to post
hound 1 Posted September 17, 2006 Report Share Posted September 17, 2006 sbs be carefull of royston he likes little boys why do you think jordon left the country :11: :11: Quote Link to post
Guest Side by Side Posted September 17, 2006 Report Share Posted September 17, 2006 sbs be carefull of royston he likes little boys why do you think jordon left the country :11: :11: oh shep happy hunting SBS Quote Link to post
Guest carra Posted September 18, 2006 Report Share Posted September 18, 2006 well SBS if it was me you would be in trouble for one i hate cocky little basterds who think there the man and at the age of 16 you are legal age to get a right good battering i and meny others i know would kick your c**t in from here to home and back again ! who gives a f**k if some f****r was doing a bit of digging and left a mess , its against the law enyway , i tell you this wee man if you came up to me while i was all pumpt up diging my dog out of a hole you would be going in the hole , you are now entering a world with no laws so if i was you i would shut the f**k up and be humble ! i once took out some young guys who had a intrest and they stabed me in the back , they had the talk but couldnt walk the walk stuck me into the police and all the locals , as the saying goes LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS , but thank f**k my ship had a good crew and a good skipper , SBS have you ever been in a police cell ? i think not ! 30 mins in there and i think you would be squeeling you head off , i know your type ive shat your type so f**k off and get another hobbie you littil WANKER .......................... Quote Link to post
Guest Side by Side Posted September 18, 2006 Report Share Posted September 18, 2006 well SBS if it was me you would be in trouble for one i hate cocky little basterds who think there the man and at the age of 16 you are legal age to get a right good battering i and meny others i know would kick your c**t in from here to home and back again ! who gives a f**k if some f****r was doing a bit of digging and left a mess , its against the law enyway , i tell you this wee man if you came up to me while i was all pumpt up diging my dog out of a hole you would be going in the hole , you are now entering a world with no laws so if i was you i would shut the f**k up and be humble ! i once took out some young guys who had a intrest and they stabed me in the back , they had the talk but couldnt walk the walk stuck me into the police and all the locals , as the saying goes LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS , but thank f**k my ship had a good crew and a good skipper , SBS have you ever been in a police cell ? i think not ! 30 mins in there and i think you would be squeeling you head off , i know your type ive shat your type so f**k off and get another hobbie you littil WANKER .......................... urm do you now me i think not do you now what i am like i think not.... now untill you do i sugest that you shut your litte mouth theres a good fellow... and you hate little shits like me we get in the line as theres a few more before you.... and how do you now you dont like me you aint even met me...... happy hunting SBS Quote Link to post
Guest lady hunter Posted September 18, 2006 Report Share Posted September 18, 2006 Carra, whats the problem with sbs , you cant say that you were never gobby and thought you could take the world on when you were that age, we have all been there and done that, its only a matter of time before he will be brought down with a bump, Quote Link to post
swanseajack 228 Posted September 18, 2006 Report Share Posted September 18, 2006 well went out for a hpour today with the terreirs after foxes and as allways on this farm i started by bushing..... nout of there.... so moved on to the first earth and i noticed that it had been dug resentally now i havent been to this farm in about a mounth... and took me by suprise so terreir went in came out nothing.... went to the second earth i new of and same thing again loked to have been dug resentally so terreir in and again nothing.... starting to get pissed off now thinking who the hell has been digging on there and has the farmer given permission to anyone else... so moverd on and came across a fox in a tree and loked to be fresh aint long been shot so cracked on and came to a warren where there used to be a few rabbits not a lot but a few and low and behold that had been trashed.... so thought f**k this i going to see the farmer to see if he can throw any light on it.... so on my way bakc i thought i have a look at a earth that i only found not the last time i was there the time before and i couldent belive what i was seeing not only had it been dug but the tossers hadent back filled... now my blod is boiling... so got the spade and back filed as best as i could..... so i went back to the farm yard tied the terreirs up and went to talk to the farmer.... and he said he had seen to lads there sun nite and lat nite but dident say anything as he thoughtit was me!! as i'm the only one that goes there.... so i said no aint been me i said as you now when i comeing down i let you now if i there early or late i phone you or leave a message on the machine or call in the farm and tell you personaly... so i am now trying to find out whos been there so what i am going to do is next time the farmers sees a strange car/van/4x4 or a lamp in the feilds and he aint heared from me hes going to phone me and we going to go down there to see who the hell it is and sort it out.... and i dont think thats its going to be sorted in words some how.... happy hunting SBS Lots of lads have shared permission, lots of people work the same land as others... Fact.... Sounds like whoever was there before you has done a better job than you, albeit they hadn't backfilled an earth that they had dug... (I agree that's annoying) ... Just ask you one question how many times have you dug these, have you ever had anything out of them ???? can't seem to remember seeing a post where you have actually done anything... ???? Quote Link to post
Fletcher 0 Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 Swanseajack, I was thinking the same thing, I can't remember seeing a post where sbs did anything, maybe if he didn't take so many pics of his dogs marking up then maybe the camera batteries would last long enough for us to see the kill. Not really having a go, at least he's trying, anyway bring back ferret king and his fat spaniel. Quote Link to post
danny boi 0 Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 f*ck me theres more testosterone in here than a body builders g-string!!! the only thing id say is sbs be carefull when approaching them if you do catch them unawer u may catch something else im sure people will agree if you are on someone elses permission and you are approached 9 times out of ten your just gona lay him out! see if you can get the farmer to go with as some back up just in case youve seen on this thread how agressively terrier men can react (no offense ment to anyone!!) just be carefull!! good hunting dan Quote Link to post
Guest lady hunter Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 Sbs does have to be careful, if he approached some of the boys i know they would pick him up and shake him like a little rag doll , some are just a law unto them selfs, im glad there my friends and not my enemies. Quote Link to post
Guest Side by Side Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 well the fact that theres no kill there is the fact tha i normaly let the terrier paly wid em and not exactaly plest for pic then but if you want kills i shall show u.... and i had all ready said that i was going to approch this differnt after roystans post and yes SJ i have had out of them before not dug tho.... and ai i would take some one wid me in case something kicked off i aint that stupid lol.... happy hunting SBS Quote Link to post
Jordan 1 Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 SbS have you been on the ? Or is your spelling usually that bad? Quote Link to post
johnnyboy28 1 Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 Looks like Text Talk to me tho ????? tha ???? Quote Link to post
Squirrel_Basher 17,100 Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 tha's get some fist if tha's caught on my land . :11: :11: :11: Quote Link to post
Guest carra Posted September 21, 2006 Report Share Posted September 21, 2006 tha's get some fist if tha's caught on my land . :11: :11: :11: fist or (FISTING) Quote Link to post
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