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best stuff is chicken or red meat to make them strong but to be honest the dog will only grow as big as the frame and bone stucker what breed are they thei is a calcium ya can buy to make the bones stonger i used it and think it is great


Be wary of artificial calcium supplements, you can inadvertently do a great deal of harm with them. You (the OP) asked about meat specifically, but bear in mind that meat alone is high in phosphorous and virtual absent of calcium. You'll need to feed raw meaty BONES, or preferably whole carcasses. These have a balanced calcium : phosphorous ratio, and are also packed with chondroitin and MSM (as well as everything else a growing puppy needs). You don't need to add anything, just feed as much of a variety of animal types (lamb, pork, beef, fish, chicken, turkey, rabbit, venison, etc etc) as you can and the rest will take care of itself.


I'm attaching a brief diet sheet and a couple of other bits written by Dr Tom Lonsdale to give you a few pointers. Start with RMB-feeding and then move onto exp-diet-guide.

There is much more info to be had online, if you'd like me to link you.





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Hi there, I feed minced lamb and beef, I do not feed them minced chicken, I have lost pups through feeding them this. I also give them goat's milk.


Alright mate? Welcome on board. Sorry to hear about the pups, but how do you mean you've lost them through feeding chicken? :blink:

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Hi there, I feed minced lamb and beef, I do not feed them minced chicken, I have lost pups through feeding them this. I also give them goat's milk.
as said sorry about the pups. But ive never heard of pups or dogs dying from chicken. Ive fed minced chicken chicken wings and carcasses for the last 20 yrs and never had a loss through this. Are you sure it was due to the feeding.
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I feed Raw meaty bones to my staff and when competition is around i.e another dog the staff will bolt it down and choke. Many a times she could of died from this. If i was not there to get it from her throat. I now feed at a different time to any other dog and so far so good.

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As what has been mentioned all meat and meaty bones are good for dogs and that includes Chicken.


I feed mine Chicken and tripe a lot of the time, they'll get anything we take during the season (which is edible) and heart and liver is always good to throw in.


While the weather gets colder and colder make sure the dog gets enough fat in its diet as well.

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Does anyone know the company that sells meat for dogs? does cheap meats like chicken, turkey backs, wings, lamb etc they deliver


Really need to find out but cant remember or find it.






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All meat, raw or cooked, is packed with protein which will supply plenty for growth if used as part of a balanced diet.

A balanced diet will depend on the needs of the particuler dog, it's age, living conditions and lifestyle, there is no special recipe but inclusion of a variety of different foods, based on protein, fats and carbs, will give a good broad spectrum of nutrients. Excess of protein, fat or carbs will end up as fat. Basically it's all calories and if feed to much of any and it will be stored as fat.

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if you feed a dog raw meaty bones of any sort, control the amount and exercise the dog well then getting fat shouldn't be an issue,

leave the bones as big as possilbe to stop the dog swallowing unbroken bones, they learn fast and love it, you should try commercial meat factories for meaty bones, they dont want them

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