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indian [bengal] eagle owl

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she is fully hand reared used to dogs and family life very nice bird only selling as we havnt had the time to fly her.she weighs 3lb 7oz at the min just needs her wait dropping to get her to fly to the glove.we want 150quid for her im in durham area so pm me only if you are intrested in her so no time waisters thanksDSC00146.jpg

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stunning bird mate, does she hunt or just flys to glove

she hasnt hunted mate but would fly tothe glove if ya drop her wait.ive got pic of her asleep when she was a baby layed on the dog bed with my beddie/greyhound

Edited by lurchers
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If i didnt work away i would love a bird like this,she looks amazing and would love to see her fly.I dont know if the Indian Eagle Owl is same size as the European one but i once watched a programme where the Euro ones hunted,caught and ate Buzzards and buzzards are not small birds so i think a hare should be no problem for one of these.Good luck with the sale mate she is a cracker.

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