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Guest houndblair

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Demonstrate to me one iota of good either of these aliens do and I might alter my view :angry:


They keep us in some good passtimes DS, not to mention the livelihood of trap manufacturers, pest controllers, pest control instructers, fieldsport film makers, etc etc, :good:


if we just went on the rampage and wiped out all the rats, greys, rabbits, mink, fox, etc then we wouldn't have too much sport left would we? :(

then all the antis would be concentrated on what little sport we had left and be even more of a pain in the arse than they are now! (Ahh well we would have to hunt them instead!) :ph34r:


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I used to live on the isle of wight,lovely over there,no mink only otters,no grey squirrels only red,there were hitches though no deer,and they do have badgers an old boy told me they bought them over from the mainland to clear all the fox earths out when they got mange a good few years back

regards chris

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Guest oldskool
sorry mr. expert i shan't mention it again




:11: sorry ginge mate, i typed my last post in a rush. didnt mean to come across a know all... but i still think an eradication of the wee b*****ds is the only way forward... to compare them with other pests such as foxes is a bit unfair, in my opinion, not only is the humble fox a native of the country he is also a fellow poacher :laugh:

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sorry mr. expert i shan't mention it again




:11: sorry ginge mate, i typed my last post in a rush. didnt mean to come across a know all... but i still think an eradication of the wee b*****ds is the only way forward... to compare them with other pests such as foxes is a bit unfair, in my opinion, not only is the humble fox a native of the country he is also a fellow poacher :laugh:

apologise you should be applauded mate. kill em all [squirrels]thats what i say; all these numbskull twats that say nature balances itself out ie town foxes magpies grey squirrels crows by people that like to supplement there diets by openly feeding them!

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The mink, along with the grey squirrel and the rabbit are non-indigenous pest species and should be eradicated

The rabbit has grandfather rights as it's been here for at least a thousand years. Squigs and mink need to go the way of the coypu. ;)


They keep us in some good passtimes DS, not to mention the livelihood of trap manufacturers, pest controllers, pest control instructers, fieldsport film makers, etc etc, :good:


if we just went on the rampage and wiped out all the rats, greys, rabbits, mink, fox, etc then we wouldn't have too much sport left would we? :(

then all the antis would be concentrated on what little sport we had left and be even more of a pain in the arse than they are now! (Ahh well we would have to hunt them instead!) :ph34r:

Rats will never be erradicated. Nor rabbit but I welcome the day I can hang up my squirrel and mink traps. I don't want to profit from controlling their numbers I want to see the back of the filthy f***ers. :)

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Pushed for time, as ever ~ untill the b*stards cut me off altogether :angry: ~ but I can't really say it better than Chris's last two sentances.


I'd only add that the (Impossible, especially with 'Brussels' busily blocking our every move and seemingly intent of Giving the rats the upper hand against those of us who'd at least try to battle their numbers - not just treat them as a pass time) eradication of the rat would simply make me a more relaxed person. I wouldn't have to worry about them poisoning my 'stock, Dogs or self!


Mink, Grey Squirrel, Rat? Show me the last one living in my land and just hand me a gun.

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Guest furryferter

Rats will never be erradicated. Nor rabbit but I welcome the day I can hang up my squirrel and mink traps. I don't want to profit from controlling their numbers I want to see the back of the filthy f***ers.


Well said CJ, you dont need to do any research or be an expert ginge to know that there is no place in the British countryside for Grey sqirrels & especialy mink they are varaicous & indescriminate killers ,I hunt a river in my area that I have been killing mink on for 10 years I can remember before the mink arrived the stretch of water was teaming with water voles ,frogs & water birds I have wiped all the mink out & the otter numbers are growing so hopefully over the next few years the wildlife returns to the water although I think the water voles are totally wiped out :realmad: .

Has anyone seen the bbc wildlife doc about the lad who films the wildlife on a a small river outside his house ,he is filming a kingfisher when a mink appears from no where and kills the kingfisher it was amazing footage

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Guest craftycarper

i have had some good bags when shooting squirells (grey) but the funny thing is that before the grey guy's came along there were a lot of major culls of the red squirell, they were causing the same kind of damage. The only reason people are so headstrong on this is because the grey's are not native and there's more of them, mind you i'm not saying i disagree with culling them :) . Eradicate the grey's and let the red's flurish and within a few years if the numbers ever did pick up the same damage would be done but by our own native species......

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