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hiya all i was thinking about getting a 12 bore semi automatic 3 shot [bANNED TEXT] do u think stick to a over and under or semi automatic


I just changed my O/U for a semi auto recently.I do alot of pigeon shooting therefore I'm in a hide most of the time so it's no hassle reloading quickly. With that being said if you are out walking doing rough shooting, then I find the semi can be a pain to carry. I guess alot depends on what type of shooting you plan to do.


The other issue with the gun holding 3 shells is you need a certain approval on your SGC. I'm not 100% sure what the exact approval is but I'm sure if you ask your local police branch they will be able to tell you.

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I changed my O/U for a Beretta 301 and I have to say it was the best thing I ever did. I O/U was heavy and harder for me to chase the birds. The 301 is much lighter and mount and move is no problem. Like the post above, I shoot from a hide a lot in the field and the semi is easier to load without the nasty catching on the net. Also recoil is less on the semi and at my age that becomes a factor. Also the 301 let you adjust the stock to suit you, the O/u won't.


Hope that is helpful. :thumbs:

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hiya all i was thinking about getting a 12 bore semi automatic 3 shot [bANNED TEXT] do u think stick to a over and under or semi automatic


I just changed my O/U for a semi auto recently.I do alot of pigeon shooting therefore I'm in a hide most of the time so it's no hassle reloading quickly. With that being said if you are out walking doing rough shooting, then I find the semi can be a pain to carry. I guess alot depends on what type of shooting you plan to do.


The other issue with the gun holding 3 shells is you need a certain approval on your SGC. I'm not 100% sure what the exact approval is but I'm sure if you ask your local police branch they will be able to tell you.


I'm a little confused, most Semis are lighter than O/U and easier to attach a sling should you want too, so not sure why you would find them a pain to carry.


.....and I'm even more confused about this approval for 3 shots...what is that all about, were you perhaps thinking you need a FAC if it holds more than 3??

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hiya all i was thinking about getting a 12 bore semi automatic 3 shot [bANNED TEXT] do u think stick to a over and under or semi automatic


I just changed my O/U for a semi auto recently.I do alot of pigeon shooting therefore I'm in a hide most of the time so it's no hassle reloading quickly. With that being said if you are out walking doing rough shooting, then I find the semi can be a pain to carry. I guess alot depends on what type of shooting you plan to do.


The other issue with the gun holding 3 shells is you need a certain approval on your SGC. I'm not 100% sure what the exact approval is but I'm sure if you ask your local police branch they will be able to tell you.


I'm a little confused, most Semis are lighter than O/U and easier to attach a sling should you want too, so not sure why you would find them a pain to carry.


.....and I'm even more confused about this approval for 3 shots...what is that all about, were you perhaps thinking you need a FAC if it holds more than 3??


If you read my post I said the semi can be a pain to carry in terms of you can't break it down like the o/u therefore whilst its loaded and your walking along maybe doing a bit of walk up shooting the semi auto needs two hands. On the other hand if your carrying an o/u it can be broke but loaded with one hand in the pocket whilst the gun rests over that arm. I get what your saying about the use of a sling but personally I would not carry a loaded gun over my back on a sling. Again I did mention that alot depends on which type of shooting you plan to do.


In N.Ireland ( which I failed to mention in my first post) your shot gun must plugged to hold no more than two shells not unless it is stated otherwise on your permit.

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If you read my post I said the semi can be a pain to carry in terms of you can't break it down like the o/u therefore whilst its loaded and your walking along maybe doing a bit of walk up shooting the semi auto needs two hands. On the other hand if your carrying an o/u it can be broke but loaded with one hand in the pocket whilst the gun rests over that arm. I get what your saying about the use of a sling but personally I would not carry a loaded gun over my back on a sling. Again I did mention that alot depends on which type of shooting you plan to do.


In N.Ireland ( which I failed to mention in my first post) your shot gun must plugged to hold no more than two shells not unless it is stated otherwise on your permit.


I carry my O/U and S/S closed over my left arm, (I am right handed) by holding the gun across my body barrels upwards at an angle with my hand just past the trigger guard holding the grip with the action and forens laying along my forearm towards my elbow, I shoot on my own and I find this a most comfortable way to hold it if my right arm gets tired, I always carry my gun shut purely because it is quicker to bring up and shoot without having to shut the gun first, also I generally also carry it with two hands because again you don't have to move your hands, just bring the gun up and shoot




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