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firearms certificate application leicester

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hi lads and lasses ive got my visit from my feo for my firearms certificate application next week and just wondered if any one can give me some advice on what they will be asking me, ive done my research and know about backstops ect but i just wanted to know how some of you have got on in the past im from leicester so if any one from leicester as any advice that would be brilliant, thanks for reading adam

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I'm not based in leicester but mine went really smoothly. He asked a bit about why I had applied for what I had applied for (.22LR, .22 FAC Air and .177 FAC Air). A little about my shooting experience to date and then he went upstairs and gave the cabinet a good tug. One trick question I had been warned about didn't get asked, not sure if it was an urban myth/windup. The one where he asks where you keep the keys... the correct answer is you can't tell him.

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hi zook my feo for my area is john collins but i requested john toon as he did my visit for my sgc he was really helpfull and ive spoke to him since about applying for my fac and he said to put a letter in requesting that he be my feo as he knows my background, so thats what ive done, ive just heard all these horror stories rgarding fac's lol

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youll have no bother with ..john collins , hes a gent ;)

totaly agree with this although he cost me a fortune I only applied for a 22lr and mod and he pursuaded me I needed a .22cf and mod :D

saying that I picked up a bargin of a .222 from darren_mc on here :thumbs:

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just a quick question do they question you on rifle ballistics? cuz ive been doing some swatting on that topic


Not really, although mine asked why .22LR and I said that I wanted it mainly for rabbits for the pot, so I needed something quiet with little meat damage.

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