Swampy 147 Posted November 26, 2009 Report Share Posted November 26, 2009 My only concern is that with the coming of the ice age there will be no crops............and because of the hunting ban what will be able to eat? Whale meat, fish, deer/caribou, rabbit............there aint enough to go round. Next stop WWIII. Bring it on I say! I won't be paying much tax then I can assure you. rgds Swampy Hungryning Quote Link to post Share on other sites
RicW 67 Posted November 26, 2009 Report Share Posted November 26, 2009 Global warming is a result of of human stupidity. Dipshits like you merely make the point clearer. Ric 'Ning Ric. Going to have to run with the conspiracy theorists on this one. It is scientific fact that we are currently going through a period of cooling at the moment. I have no doubt that the "human" contribution is a factor but it certainly isn't the root cause. Deforrestation, over population, and burning fossil fuels will not help at all. However there is overwhelming evidence that we could possibly be entering into another ice age. You have to admit that it is odd that governments are quite keen to introduce green taxes and at the same time do nothing about the issue thay are saying is happening. Being a complete cynic until the worlds population is controlled, a natural disaster of epic proportions such as an ice age can only be the solution! rgds Swampy Ninging the day after tomorrow Remember the three C principle. If anything emerges into print that looks a bit dodgy it is either: 1.)Cock-up 2.)Coincidence 3.)Conspiracy. The odds are overwhelming that it is 1.) Call that 99%. Then of the remaining 1% it is 99% likely to be 2.) Then it is 99% to be 3.). That is, it has a .0001% chance of being a conspiracy. This one is a cock-up. Scientists are so by-our-lady arrogant that they think they can blind baffle and bullshit the rest of us into believing them. BUT! That doesn't mean they are wrong! The evidence that global warming is occurring is too strong to be denied. Sure, temperatures have dropped slightly over the last few years. That is exactly what one would expect over a short period of time. The overall curve is still upward. The only argument among real scientists now is about the extent to which the warming is anthropogenic - caused by mankind. I find the evidence too strong to be denied, but there is still room for alternative models to be correct. The entire solar system could be going through a Kondrachev Cycle, wherein the sun warms up briefly. Kondrachev has been pretty thouroughly discredited, but not yet falsified. The way I look at it though is this. If global warming is not anthropogenic then there is naff-all we can do about it and we are all gonna die. If it is anthropogenic then we may be able to slow it down or even reverse it. So why not try to affect it? We can only be better off if our efforts succeed and no worse off if they fail. The odds against your home being burgled are very high. Do you leave your doors unlocked or do you take precautions against that small risk and drop the Yale when you go out? No brainer. Ric Quote Link to post Share on other sites
AKA-BRINDLE 879 Posted November 26, 2009 Report Share Posted November 26, 2009 Global warming is a result of of human stupidity. Dipshits like you merely make the point clearer. Ric 'Ning Ric. Going to have to run with the conspiracy theorists on this one. It is scientific fact that we are currently going through a period of cooling at the moment. I have no doubt that the "human" contribution is a factor but it certainly isn't the root cause. Deforrestation, over population, and burning fossil fuels will not help at all. However there is overwhelming evidence that we could possibly be entering into another ice age. You have to admit that it is odd that governments are quite keen to introduce green taxes and at the same time do nothing about the issue thay are saying is happening. Being a complete cynic until the worlds population is controlled, a natural disaster of epic proportions such as an ice age can only be the solution! rgds Swampy Ninging the day after tomorrow Climate change is a fraud?...try telling that to those in Cumbria and ireland that have been flooded out! and whats with putting 'ning' after every post?...very irritate-ning Quote Link to post Share on other sites
droid 11 Posted November 26, 2009 Report Share Posted November 26, 2009 My only concern is that with the coming of the ice age there will be no crops............and because of the hunting ban what will be able to eat? rgds Swampy Hungryning If there's a full-on Ice Age lack of crops is going to be the least of your problems. A kilometer or more of ice might constitute a bigger problem. And the timescale for the onset of this is a couple of decades MAX, not centuries. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Dosser 52 Posted November 26, 2009 Report Share Posted November 26, 2009 It seems you can draw any conclusion you want depending on whos funding the research, oh well, just enjoy the 3 years we have left untill 2012. But wait, if you're a bhudist, this year is 2543 ! Now i am confused. Ninging just to irritate people. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
RicW 67 Posted November 26, 2009 Report Share Posted November 26, 2009 My only concern is that with the coming of the ice age there will be no crops............and because of the hunting ban what will be able to eat? rgds Swampy Hungryning If there's a full-on Ice Age lack of crops is going to be the least of your problems. A kilometer or more of ice might constitute a bigger problem. And the timescale for the onset of this is a couple of decades MAX, not centuries. Ho-Ho it is to joke. When - not if, when - sea level rises by 10 metres and the total land area available for human habitation drops by 20% we will have no problem with food, at least for a while. We will be eating each other. Sadly, the 3rd Law of thermodynamics won't let us do this for long. I've said it before and I say it again. GLOBAL WARMING IS A FACT. Whether it is anthropogenic may be open to debate but only a total dipshit would try to claim that it is not happening. Squat down stick your head between your legs and kiss your stupid ass goodbye sunshine. The good fairy godmother will not turn up to get you out of this one. Ric Mad as a snake with the stupidity of the human raceW Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted November 26, 2009 Report Share Posted November 26, 2009 Ric, I say bring it on! The UK won't be such a bad place to live in when it happens. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Dosser 52 Posted November 27, 2009 Report Share Posted November 27, 2009 Well said Max Im moving on to a narrowboat next week, so i aint bovvered/ Stand by to repel boarders !! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
droid 11 Posted November 27, 2009 Report Share Posted November 27, 2009 It seems you can draw any conclusion you want depending on whos funding the research, Very, very true. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
trapperman 474 Posted November 27, 2009 Report Share Posted November 27, 2009 The Worlds Climate has increased and decreased since time began nothing can or will change this. My opinion is that Goverments are using this issue as a Massive tool of Taxation. The problem facing the World and us as a species is over population. 50 years ago around 2.5 billion people World Wide, today 6 Billion by 2050 9 Billion ------ where does it end ??????. It ends in DISASTER . Over population puts undue pressure on EVERYTING. Food shortage Water Shortage = Wars on a global and local scale , even friends neighbours ect Will turn on one another if starving. WE are actually rape.ing the Planet which is our Home. Cutting down trees. Wasting resorces. Its an I WANT, MUST HAVE society. Like i say the planet will warm and cool naturally but we MUST bring down the worlds population not be encouraged by GOVERMENTS to increase it to keep the wheels of the Consumer industry rolling. We need to Reycycle almost Everything. The Goverment need to get there act together and make sure everything is reycycled instead of getting us as individulas to put paper , plastic, glass ect into seperate containers for THEM to then tip it all together in landfill. Every Town and City should have state of the art GOVERMENT REYCYCLING CENTERS where people are given a fair wage to sift through Rubbish and reycycle it properley. It should be the same as China 1 child for one couple 2 MAX then once a man has two children be it to one woman or two, the same for a woman get them steralised. The planet collectively is more IMPORTANT than ANY individual. We should be planting trees in Every concievable place. They turn carbon dioxide into OXYGEN. They are a renewable source of material if managed correctly. They stop soil from eroding and turning to desert. They harbour wildlife and plants that give us food and cures for Diseise. We could start by planting trees alongside every grass verge on every motorway and road. This alone would amount to Massive habitat for wildlife as well as sucking up all the shite cars kick out. If this was done Worldwide imagine the amount of hectares of woodland-forest that would be created ? Take away the greed of Goverment and the possibilities are Endless. totally agree with you on the tree thing they breath life to the planet, i`ve planted over 3000 trees on my smallholding. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
trapperman 474 Posted November 27, 2009 Report Share Posted November 27, 2009 My only concern is that with the coming of the ice age there will be no crops............and because of the hunting ban what will be able to eat? rgds Swampy Hungryning If there's a full-on Ice Age lack of crops is going to be the least of your problems. A kilometer or more of ice might constitute a bigger problem. And the timescale for the onset of this is a couple of decades MAX, not centuries. i`m going to invest in snowshoes and corner the market, this time next year i`ll be a millionaire Quote Link to post Share on other sites
RicW 67 Posted November 27, 2009 Report Share Posted November 27, 2009 Ric, I say bring it on! The UK won't be such a bad place to live in when it happens. Maltenby you are not wrong. One model of global warming suggests that the "British Isles" may become the most desirable piece of real estate on the planet by around 2100. Unfortunately there will be 8 billion people trying to live here. Gonna get a bit crowded methinks . . . There is another model though, and this one gets really interesting. The warm climate of the UK and Northern Europe depends completely on the Gulf Stream Drift bringing warm water up from the Pacific on the surface while carrying cold water back deep down. If the Gulf Stream Drift turns off then we will have the same climate in England as in Labrador. 10 feet of snow most of the year. The volume of water going through the Gulf Stream has dropped by 20% in the last 20 years, and all the evidence suggests that when it turns off it does so very fast. At this rate we are gonna get co-o-ld. Remember people that global warming can still include local cooling. Ah well. I should live so long . . . Ric Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jacrabbit 0 Posted November 27, 2009 Report Share Posted November 27, 2009 well all i can say is i am not turning off my lights to save energy til las vagas turns theres off Quote Link to post Share on other sites
kennyboy 1 Posted November 28, 2009 Report Share Posted November 28, 2009 No need to worry about your Carbon Footprint people. The Powers That Be have already sorted Global Warming. The solution? Kill Us all! Step 1. Destroy the economy. 2008/9 was just the start, more fun to come. Step 2. Release a Plague. Start off with a mild flu with 0.002% fatality rate (swine flu). Get the Media and W.H.O. to go REALLY overboard and scare the s**t out of everyone. Step 3. Produce a useless vaccine that has not been properly tested. Also produce an additional 'vaccine' that is actually contaminated with live flu viruses. http://www.infowars.com/has-baxter-international-released-a-biological-weapon/ Step 4. Now that people are alot poorer and scared they are easy to control. " Shut up and take your medicine. Your know it's for your(THEIR) good! " Step 5. Now that everyone is infected with the vaccine. Sit back and watch the population crash. Less people=less carbon emmisions=WE SAVED THE WORLD! Oh look there's a polar bear. Niiice. Only good thing to come out of this scenario is that all the Tree Huggers are F**ked too! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Waz 4,274 Posted December 9, 2009 Report Share Posted December 9, 2009 /\ /\ BTTT /\ /\ Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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