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piglet killer

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hi all ...was out today trying few spots on my local pig farm, owner been losing few piglets of late so it was a case of sod the weather.

got to the farm ,wellies on etc,dogs coupled up and away i went.got to first little place(had dog fox out week ago)nothing doing

so on i plodded ,walked past l;ittle rabbit earth about 5 holer,dogs took no notice on coupler so walked on.i could,nt get through

the hedge so had to doulble back past the rabbit place..dogs had another sniff,but a more positive look this time and after little

while bitch says game on.collared her up ,netted up and in she went.almost immediately she ,s found her quarry..let her settle

and dug her at just under 2 ft,nice eassy place,quarry was a very old vixen,teeth ground down to almost nothing,she was dispatched

humanley(spelling) as i said farmer was losing piglets...this bit of permission has been good to me and me mutts so i try to get

there couple times a week...hope the weathers not putting the rest of you off as this is when theyre inthe ground,looked like i,d

been in the ground with the dog when i,d finished ha ha ..yis...darrell.

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was myfault she never checked it properly ffirst time round mate ..was fullof leaves debris etc..was a little hole on bottom of bank that she never checked the first time round,,i should of known really i didnt take enough time at it..am back there today as there,s hell of a lot of earth,s there..it,s the type of place ya can work the lurchers of a night ,..terriers during day also i go ratting there too..they have a fox shoot every thursday too and still dont make a dent in fox population..bloody brilliant for me really as only me doing terrier work there..will try remember camera today..atb..yis..darrell.

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well done pal, i bet the farmer was over the moon with you as pigs are making good money latly so its the last thing the farmer needs is them been taken from old charlie boy, brought back afew memorys as i use to do a earth afew year ago that was about a mile from a pig unit and we always found dead piglets there nearly all the time,it use to be a handy earth to do, the pig units isnt there anymore but we still call it the pig set but only for that reason,

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cheers lads...cho chise...the farmer s well pleased mate..but as i,ve said this place is fox heaven ,could go here every day and am almost guarateed to find to ground...was a bit lazey yesterday due to being piss wet thruogh etc..dug that one and tydied up and went home was only out hour and half..darrell.

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