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Lurchers and farmers

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Had the lurcher out earlier walking along a local right of way. She was off the lead, but walking alongside as there wasn't much about in the field. The farmer came straight over to me and said he would f**cking shoot the dog. I love people telling me this, but managed to hold my temper and asked why. I was told that it was a lurcher and I had no right to let it off the lead. He had some bullocks in the next field and that was it. I was doing no harm. Get the feeling that if it were a lab or something else, he wouldn't have had a problem.


It gets better, I asked him about the rights of way through the field. My 2005 OS map indicates three. He was having none of this and said it was just the one (that everyone uses, the others are neglected). I happened to have the map with me and he said he didn't have his glasses and just repeated that if he saw me off the path he'd said was a right of way with the dog on or off the lead he'd shoot her.


I wouldn't mind so much but I am new(ish) in the area, have only a few small bits of (local) permission and don't want to get a reputation. I still want to walk the rights of way as they are very convenient from my house. I just couldn't talk to the guy.


Rant over.

cochyn i live in monmouthshire you must be quite near to my area,weve got lots of farmers like that around here .They must have been dumped here just keep hunting mate.ATB

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if he was ranting and raving at me i would smack him in the mouth, f**k the permission if he was making threats towards me or my dogs he would live to regret it i promise you ,most farmers are wa#kers who think they are untouchable do want you want and f**k them.dont go licking arse make the first impression count

Rambo here ,doing his bit for good public relations for the hunting community !!!

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if he was ranting and raving at me i would smack him in the mouth, f**k the permission if he was making threats towards me or my dogs he would live to regret it i promise you ,most farmers are wa#kers who think they are untouchable do want you want and f**k them.dont go licking arse make the first impression count

:thumbdown: Thug

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You've had some good advice in this thread, some silly stuff to lol.

I've a farmer like that that owns fields on 3 sides of my property, and

after 9 years, he is starting to soften ;)


If its your door step, its always worth biting your tongue.

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if that was a row through a field with stock in it ,ie not a path fenced off to the side . . Then walking a dog off the lead just gives the wrong impression mate. I know the law says under control ,not specifically on the lead, but i bet every dog owner that walks their dog off the lead says their dog is totally under control ,yours may well be , but i bet hes heard it a million times , one things for sure dogs on leads dont worry stock. I wouldnt dream of walking a dog off the lead through a field of stock, and 3 row in 1 field !! I bet he just loves that, so you hit another raw nerve straight away ! Heres a landowner raising stock and the law entitles the whole world to walk through his fields with their dogs off the lead. . . Another thing that gets me is diagonal footpaths straight through fields ,whats that all about? A lot of these row go back hundreds of years and were ways to get to church , why cant they just be rerouted round 2sides of a field , but try getting permission to do that. . If it was me , id go back without the dog , show my permission slips and make sure he knows you will have dogs on leads when walking through stock.


I agree with a lot of that. The stock were in the next field over and so there was a fence and style between the dog and the bullocks. You're right about the ROWs mind. Along the headge at the south, north and east of the field. He only admitted the one to the south being there.

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its not just farmers, landowners and keepers that have this opinion on lurchers, iv had genral public have a go when walking my lurcher, only happend three times up to now all on public land


1, was an elderly woman shouting at me to put my dog (5 month old at the time) on his lead because lurchers are vicious and he would kill her 3 small dogs. i simply told him to sit and wait while she was souting and running around tryng to gain control of her terriers which were acting alot more aggresivly than mine


2, was a horse rider coming towards me and the dog he got abit exited or afraid and bolted to get past the horse as it got closer the horse wasnt phased but she started having a go. i politly apologised and said im still stock breaking him but she still was shouting at me so i lost my temper abit and told her fxxk off bllah blah blah


3, was an old boy with 2 labs who acused me of poaching, the pup was about 6 month old at the time. i told him that he was poaching as we wer both in the same place and he had hunting dogs to which he got realy angry an threatening saying he was goin to phone the police when he got home, so i asked if he wanted to use my mobile. i realy had to bite my tounge when he started swinging his walking stick at my

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iv also had a few runnings with farmers, one time i was in the middle of his sheep field with the pup on lead stock braeking him when i heard loads of shouting i just ignored him, he came over and started having a go saying hes sick of young lads setting dogs on his sheep and he was going to get the gun, so i told him what i was doin and he was alot calmer and started asking questions about the dog and if i was goin to work him ect, we talked for a while and i offerd him a smoke and we parted on good terms he just waves when he sees me now


another time i went to go to stockbreak my pup at a different place, i was walking down the path (public) with the dog on lead near his fields and he came out of nowere with his 3 dogs i had to pick my dog up as his were in full attack as was he we exchanged words for about 10 mins and and i lost my temper and told him to call his dog off or he wont have any tommorow and to get ouy of my face or ill brake his fuxking neck, i dont go near his place nomore

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if he was ranting and raving at me i would smack him in the mouth, f**k the permission if he was making threats towards me or my dogs he would live to regret it i promise you ,most farmers are wa#kers who think they are untouchable do want you want and f**k them.dont go licking arse make the first impression count

:wankerzo4: People like you give real dog men bad names no matter which side of the fence we walk and most of us have walked both sides. I can see the day when all dog work is licensed as tight as your FAC ..might not be bad thing with tits like you around.


To the original poster you have good advice ...especially go see the man without your dog and have a bit of craic and try to put things right

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