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what kinda mushrooms are these

Guest carra

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That is " Oudemansiella mucida" or, the slimy beech cap.

The cap is hemispherical when young, later, evenly convex.Colour is white, to light grey, and slightly striped, also covered in a thick slime. Thick white gills, waxy in appearance, white/grey stem, with a ring, grooved on the top. Found on the wood of beech or oak, on moist branches, and trunks on the ground.


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That is " Oudemansiella mucida" or, the slimy beech cap.

The cap is hemispherical when young, later, evenly convex.Colour is white, to light grey, and slightly striped, also covered in a thick slime. Thick white gills, waxy in appearance, white/grey stem, with a ring, grooved on the top. Found on the wood of beech or oak, on moist branches, and trunks on the ground.



well thanks for that baldie but i think your to late in telling me not to eat :sick: :oops: only jesting i f*****g hate mushrooms , i do like the look of them though there was this bright red on with spots on i was going to take a pic of it but some f*****g thing had been nibbling at it so it ruiend it for a pic , thanks enyway for naming that thing for me its intresting to know :thumbs-up: .

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