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25 metre Jay


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Hi all,


The site seems to have gone really quiet just lately. Is noone shooting at the moment or what?


I got this Jay this morning while out with the R10 stalking :whistling: .


It was a pretty simple 25 metre shot. I didnt get time to video it as it was just about to fly off so i had to get the shot off quick :wallbash: .


I opted for a heart shot as the birds head was moving up and down alot. The shot was placed perfectly and down went the murdering jay :victory: .


I wonder how many points that would of been worth if i was entered into the competition? :hmm:





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Hi all,


The site seems to have gone really quiet just lately. Is noone shooting at the moment or what?


I got this Jay this morning while out with the R10 stalking :whistling: .


It was a pretty simple 25 metre shot. I didnt get time to video it as it was just about to fly off so i had to get the shot off quick :wallbash: .


I opted for a heart shot as the birds head was moving up and down alot. The shot was placed perfectly and down went the murdering jay :victory: .


I wonder how many points that would of been worth if i was entered into the competition? :hmm:



your getting handy with that r10 bud nice shooting


atb gary

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Thanks guys for the comments.


Nice to see that you have been converted to a BSA Super 10 Wuzzy


That new gun will definitely ramp up the kill rate I promise you mate. There mega rifles and I bet you cant wait to get out with it can you pal?


Yes Sweeney I have seen and read the article in next months Airgun World mate. I agree with it whole heartedly. The guns are deadly accurate. I just wished I could shoot it as accurate as it is possible to shoot.


I think if more regulars on here got a shot of the new R10 there would be a few more bought and used on this sight. Its definitely up there with the best of the rifles.



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Hi Zini,


Nice jay there fella.


I'm trying to make my mind up about whether to get an AA S510, Weihrauch HW100TK or the BSA R10, probably in .22. By all accounts BSA have got it spot on with this rifle. How does it compare to others you have had?





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Hi Zini,


Nice jay there fella.


I'm trying to make my mind up about whether to get an AA S510, Weihrauch HW100TK or the BSA R10, probably in .22. By all accounts BSA have got it spot on with this rifle. How does it compare to others you have had?







hi sib

how you doing buddy





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nice one zini :boogie:

im still wating for my first jay,and when i do im getting it stuffed,as i tink they are a lovely looking bird,although still a pest.i did see one at a game fare in a glass box and it did look nice




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Hi Sib,


Well it would be unfair of me to comment on how the R10 fairs up against the HW100 as i have never fired one myself. I have read many great things about them though, so i think that they are top quality rifles and accurate as hell by all accounts. I have used a AAS510 though and shot it in a speed trial. They are nice guns to, but the R10 beats it for me easily. You need to shoot a R10 really to appreciate the rifle. The balance of them and ease of use it something else.


The accuracy of the rifle is just amazing, careful and slowly aimed shots while in a zero range with the correct trigger technique and breathing enables 1 hole groups if your up to it yourself at 30 metres and beyond quite easily. Even shooting the rifle fast and putting a magazine through the gun will produce smaller than a 10p piece at 30 metres without much effort.


I’ve regularly put a drawing pin through a small coke bottle top and pinned it to a wooded back stop at 30 metres just plinking and having fun shooting at the top. I’ve aimed for the centre of the top where the drawing pin has held it in place on x 16 magnification and fired.


The top has not moved or been hit so I’ve thought after 2 shots and I have been totally confused walking up to the bottle top to examine where my pellet had impacted only to see that the convex part of the drawing pin had been totally flattened with 2 pellet strikes on it pinning the top deeper into the wood. That’s good accuracy in my book.


Hi Davy,


I’m sure you will get your first jay soon now that the leaves have almost fully fallen from the trees mate. The little murdering swine’s will not be able to hide from your AAS410 or HW100. While I’m sat here writing this thread my son is bouncing around telling me that there is a jay on the garden next to the bird table and asking me to shoot it.


I gave him his first rifle yesterday and put a Hawk 4x32 scope on it for him. It’s a old Russian Vostok model 38 that a mate of mine gave me. I took him out yesterday with me setting some rat traps and he was plinking enjoying himself. I’d sooner him shoot and learn from his dad than play the flipping Play station all day.



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