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I try and feed my dogs on as much Raw food as possible, with Science plan as a fall back but Roo swallows everything whole :icon_eek:

I've tried chicken wings, they didn't even touch the sides, meaty ribs, cracked then swallowed, he swallowed a 6" rib whole once, heard him whine a bit when that one came out in the woods, he was lucky not to damage himself!!!

Whenever he's given a whole rabbit,he doesn't bite it into chunks, he crunchs it then just swallows it in one whole piece as well... I've got to cut them into 3-4 sections for him now and again these are all crunched then swallowed whole.


I always split Tia and Roo up when raw meat is involved (he tried stealing Tia's and almost had his neck broken in the process she ragged him so hard) I'm sure he won't try again but I'd rather air on the side of caution. So he feeds alone in the garden or Kitchen if it's bad weather.


It's never done him any harm but I was just wondering is this normal for a lurcher?

I've seen videos of wild dogs feeding in very similar ways and never really thought much of it until a friend was aghast when they saw it happen.

Edited by bullmastiff
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Feeding frozen isn't bad mate, especially in warm weather (Dr Tom Lonsdale likens it to ice cream lol). I wouldn't give it in this weather though, especially if the dog's outside. Start off by feeding bigger items that NEED to be chewed up. Chicken wings, for example, are way too small for everything except the smallest terrier puppies and ferrets. Even then they're too high in the bone:meat ratio to be of much use. Far better to feed a whole or half chicken. Try to source somewhere local to you that has whole chicken frames (basically they take the legs, wings and breasts off and you get the rest), I pay £2 per box for mine. :thumbs:


For bigger dogs, you're looking at things like whole lamb necks and ribcages (still attached together) with some meat on them. The size and shape of those means the dog hasn't much choice but to chew them carefully into pieces small enough to eat. That way the teeth get a good clean too. Again a local butcher used to do us a boot full of sacks of these and chicken backs for a fiver all in. Things like whole pigs trotters (basically the whole bottom half of their leg), heads, and the like will also be easy enough to source at an abattoir. Ask around. :D


I'd think twice about the science plan too mate, there's way better quality foods for almost half the price. It's not much more than overpriced junk. For Science Plan money you could be feeding something much more suitable like Orijen or Applaws (complete biscuit made from 70% meat and bone, 30% fruit and veg). How long have you been feeding raw? Some dogs go through an 'amazed' stage where they can't believe they're getting 'real' food, and as such they bolt it before any fecker steals it from them :boxing: They soon settle down once they realise it's a regular thing, if that's the case. Just remember, think carcase. The bigger, and more whole (more like a complete animal) the meal is, the better it is.

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I'd just like to say it's not that unusual. My lurcher swallowed a whole fecking goose wing once, then regurgitated it back up 20 minutes after! :icon_eek::laugh:


I'm hoping s/he had the sense to chew it the second time around? :D I took the pup out not long after they'd eaten some Orijen last week, after a mate rang and we arranged to go for a walk. I wouldn't normally feed before an outing but as it wasn't planned and I wasn't about to knock back a good look out, off we went... I pulled over when we got there and noticed the pup had spewed his meal back up in his crate, so I waited...


Won't be long, I said... but we're going nowhere 'til this pup's had his dinner again; that shit's £45 a bag! :whistling::tongue2::laugh:

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Thankyou for your comments guys.

I struggle like feck to get 'proper' carcases, the local butchers in every village around me have caught on to the BARF diet and now charges a small fortune for offcuts and meaty bones.

Only place I can get offcuts is at the Butcher in Morrissons, I have a friend working there and he can get me decent meat and fat for about 25p/kg I also buy all the lamb bones they put out for making stock.


Roo's eaten raw meat since we got him but only over the last few months has it been really regularly (4-5 times a week).

He gets Rabbits whole (guts, fur and feet) and pigeon carcases (that have been debreasted) feathers, crop and all. I usually remove the heads though in case the pellet is still in there.


I always thought an adult rabbit would be to big to swallow whole! but several crunches to break up some of the bones and he gets it down his throat somehow! I must admit if your not used to seeing it then it is a bit off putting when you see the lump in his throat like a snakes! but it doesn't seem to do him any harm?

Tia will take about 20mins to delicately nibble her way through a Rabbit but Roo will have it cleared in about 2-3mins!

I only get Science Plan complete food because I can get it cheap (about the same price as Bakers or that other supermarket crap) and because I thought it was one of the better complete foods?

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rainmaker where do you get chicken carcasses from for 2 quid a box,can anyone get em or not mate :thumbs:

go till your chinnesse cant spell lol and as them for thestuff they dont use that what l do and the butchers for the cuts off

is that for yourself or the dogs :clapper:


Well seeing as you're already there, and all that... :clapper:


Talking of swallowing things whole. My bloody terrier pup decided to pulverise and eat half of his 12" plastic feeding bowl today. Numpty. I hope he's shatting plastic for a week... but please god don't let any get stuck :cry: Metal feeding bowls from now on, me thinks. :laugh:

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I know i am going to sound a bit of a fool, but i have never let my dogs have bones for fear of them getting stuck or doing damage internaly :icon_redface:

Are there any bones to avoid and is there any real risk?

Please convert me i would love to see my dogs with a bone

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