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Good night for me!

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Went down the chicken farm last night, first chance for a few nights because of the rain :angry: ! Wasn't expecting to get much as the weather had been that bad. Went for a little mooch about with the shooting sticks first of all but couldn't see anything except loads of rabbits near the quarry so I decided to get back in the pick up and drive about. Half way up the farm the lamp picked up a set of eyes down in the rough near a drainage ditch :icon_eek: . Switched off the lamp and turned on the NV and after a minute confirmed it was a fox about 180 yards away and so I let rip with the 22-250 and down it went :victory: . Sods luck when I went to pick it up I found it was the other side of the ditch! The ditch was now a fast flowing stream so I had to clamber across a rather dodgy looking fence that went across it. At this point I would have been quite happy to call it a night but I thought what the hell check the next couple of fields/sheds then head home for an early night. As soon as I got to the next field I picked up another set of eyes by the other quarry but they disappeared. I carried on up the track to get a better view and put the NV on and I saw it sitting on the other side of the quarry (not sure how far) just sitting looking over in my general direction. As it was facing me I decided to wait until it turned side on but after 2 minutes it still hadn't budged so I took my shot and hit it front on, nearly took its front leg off but it tried to run (fortunately towards me) so I put another shot into it and down it stayed. One more area to quickly check then head off I thought. I drove down the track and didn't bother putting the lamp on, stopped had look with the NV and saw a fox munching away at a chicken about 110 yards away, couldn't believe my luck, it hadn't paid the pick up any attention when I passed by a minute earlier 50 yards away ! One shot to the chest finished it off, it was actually quite an old vixen, the teeth were rotting away quite badly and she looked well past her best. Suffice to say the night watchman was pleased and so was I :toast: ! Just hope I have the same luck next time.! :gunsmilie:


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