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Where to look to do ferreting


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I wouldn't ferret too close to foot paths personally because you will probably end up answering questionnes as to what you are doing or getting grief from the antis'! If you can find any i would start off with small warrens with 3-4 holes that aren't covered in branbles as these are much easier to manage on your own. Have your dogs been working for long? as a decent marking dog is invaluable when ferreting and it saves a LOT of time ferreting warrens that are empty. My other question would be have you got a locator?

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Hi jack12

Is there not any ferreters in your area who you can tag along with for a while to show you the ropes ?

Where abouts are you ?


To far for me im afraid put the feelers out local to you and see if anyone will take you out for the 1st few times to get you started

We helped start a young lad on hear called snakes1989 last year he still comes with us on occasions but he has also secured

his own bits of permission and is doing fine everyone has got to start somewhere hope there is someone kind enough to get you started also dont feel embarassed to keep asking questions if unsure


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Guest Rod&dog

where to look for rabbit holes





Really,,ive seen rabbits in the middle of town,, not so long ago i was up my my local shopping parade on my way home in the early hours of the morning and there where three or four rabbits running about,, not a feild in miles.

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prehaps you should tell everyone a little about yourself, if you have permissions etc, as your posts come across as you being very young, with no permission and no idea on ferreting, maybe someone closer to you would then show you the ropes


holes in hedgerows do not garuntee rabbits, you need to do a bit of fieldcraft, look for signs, ie rabbits, rabbit droppings (fresh) etc

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