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Out for a days hunting


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Well what a fantastic full day of hunting! Popped over to pick DavyT up around 8:30 and didn't finish until dusk about 4:30......


The morning started off to be very promising indeed!!! We pulled up the landy into the edge of a field and was promptly greeted by two little bunnies right in our path, just pulled over to line up the perfect shot..... pop pop and I've missed :wallbash:. I couldn't believe it, what had happened???? Off they hopped little fluffy tails in the air. Neither Davy or I could believe what had happened??? The only thing we could do was to put it behind us and get on with business.... :icon_redface:


As we pulled round into the next field we spotted some pigeons in the copse in front as we slowly drove closer they took flight, there easily must have been over 120. We decided to pitch up and wait this one out, we pulled up on the side of the little copse and sure enough they came back over. Straight over, to the other side of the copse. We waiting and waited but every time we moved they also went for a wander, if we were one side they flew round to the other. I'm sure they were laughing rather then cooing.


Davy had a call, and we were able to pick up my new scope he had sorted for me :thumbs: so a short break midday to pick it up(MTC Mamba 3-12x44), and after a nice bit of lunch we were back to it!


Got back to it and thought we would try round the other side where we have seen many bunnies frolicking in the valley, and yes we did see quite a few, all of them just out of range.... :wallbash:


We decided to pull up in the bottom of the valley and enjoy the surroundings with the hope one of the lovely fluffy little hoppers would make a show! An they did, I couldn't believe it they were either just out of range or just hiding enough not to take the shot. Eventually we dumped the landy and went for a wonder, the sun was just starting to go down and we could see up the valley, bunnies hopping around playing tig with not a care in the world, oh yes :yes:


Well I now know why they were so happy and carefree......


..... they must of had special powers :blink: !!! No matter what we did or where we went, they knew and that was it, somehow they just managed to hop behind a rock or into some thick shrubery. Our day out was coming to an end and believe it or not we had nothing to show for all our efforts.


We both agreed we had a great day out and had thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, although we had amazingly come away with no quarry, just big smiles on our faces.


DavyT thanks for a great day out, all the pointers and all the patience. See you soon buddy. :thumbs:

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hi andyz

great read that! today was really about a recky and ready for the next trip out,shooting was a bonus,im glad you enjoyed your self tanks for not mentioning my accidnet!! :whistling: also nice we managed to get the scope as well, overall a good result!! me tinks! would like to add andy me tinks! you have jinxed me 2 outings and 2 tings go wrong :tongue2: lets hope its not 3rd time lucky :laugh:

will add some video footage later of the b.o.p we watched,me tinks! thats why it was fairly quiet.i am just speaking to spike25blue on msn and i have told him of the pigeons we seen today as well,so he is gunna bring his secret weapon down,keep in touch and let me know if there is any news from her in doors :thumbs: lol speak to you in the week




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