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do you know who your mates are ?

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  On 20/11/2009 at 22:06, dai dogs said:
  On 20/11/2009 at 21:43, Kay said:

Tell your mate you will give him half the rent he payes & go down daily to feed walk & clean up your own dogs


It would cost more than that to board 2 dogs in a boarding kennells for a week

forgot to mention that he wouldnt be feeding them or cleaning them out or walking them i would be doing that.

Sound more like an aseiate(spelling), Than a friend fella,

Just hope its alright for you and the family :thumbs:

Edited by tiny 7
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had a mate turn up one day with 1 lurcher her 10 pups a spaniel 1 terrier and said here you go got a load of crap over it but its what you do for a mate or so i thought seems some mates arent what they seem hope you sort yourself out atb dean

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  On 20/11/2009 at 21:31, dai dogs said:

bit of a long story this one. in the middle of moving. (house swap)reason being the area where i live at the moment is rough as ten bears. my children cant even go out to play.

waiting for the thumbs up off the council.

council comes checks the house all ok.the other council checks the other house all ok.

my cxnt of a neighbour finds out that iv put in for a swap and phones the other council and tells them i got such and such dogs.

the other council puts a block on the move untill they check me out ect.

well i phones around a few so called mates to ask if they could look after a dog or two untill i get sorted at the place where im going. (3 weeks at the most)

one so called mate said hes got room to keep 2 he said he would charge me £25 per week (food not included) has he pays £22 per week to rent the kennels where he keeps his dogs and theres 2 kennels empty at the same place.

he also said that he would only be earning £3 a week off me...now i didnt expect anyone to look after the dogs for fxckall i was willing to pay the feed also half the rent ect

the old saying is so true-- you cant count your true friends on one hand.

how many dogs did you keep at the house and were they noisey. looks like the neighbours shot himself in the foot and is stuck with you lol good luck

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Mate, i know exactly were your coming from,


Some of my closest friends f****d me over real bad, And the friends i only saw once in a blue moon, Were it turns out the real good ones....


i'd personally, let a friend like this wonder off into the sunset.....!!!! alone


i'm the kind of person who would do anything for a friend.. And i expect the same in return, but it never did happen,


So when times were real tough, they simply didn't wish to know,


needless to say they are mates no longer.....


i'd tell him to sling his hook....






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i know how you feel mate so called friend splits with his wife i take one of his terriers look after her for 5 mths while hese sorting his new place out getting her going he takes her back not so much as a thank you we have been mates since our teens not heard a word from him since hese even changed is mobile hope you get sorted

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unfortunately you have learned the hard way with so called freinds.and that prick who lives next door well i had 1 the same a few year ago but now there ok ish neighbours.boot your man to the kerb .. hes a cock roach feeding of your miss fortune. i hope you get your house move feller and your neeighbour . well just hope scum bags move in when you leave teach the nosey fk@ to keep two his own .

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Spare kennel at my place Dai, room for two terriers or one lurcher, live in the middle of nowhere so they can bark their balls off. Give me a pm if you want, no charge or bullshit. We all need a hand sometimes.



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about 6months ago , after working a night shift i got home to find all my shamos stolen from the pens down the side of the house , thankfully the dogs were still in the kennels , but what could i do , working nights and with my girlfriend home alone . . She was at her mothers the very next day and i sold all the incubators, brooders and chicken sheds , had a place to move into at the end of the week ,but couldnt take the dogs. I even advertised the lurchers ,i couldnt bear the thought of them being stolen and passed from pillar to post or have the guts run out of them and end up left in the field. I had noone to ask ,as for the last 10years i have carefully avoided the company of anyone who works lurchers . .YES IT REALLY IS THAT BAD ROUND HERE. As a last resort , i tracked down a guy id met at the wholesale butchers that id spoke to a few times about dogs and birds , he kennelled them both for free ,wouldnt take a penny, such a relief for me. I drafted the terrier into hunt service ,the local terrierman was great and my lads doing such sterling service for him that ive left him there for the season even though im back with the longdogs . . He gets dug to that often he must think hes at alton towers

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