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Help with low impaqct 12 guage

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Hi guys, advise from far and wide please.


I have shot and fished for all my life, now retired in late 50's after an accident thet ended my career.


So got back into shooting with the rimfires, never ever had the need for a centrefire even for the macho issue, sorry.


But i have a FAC but didn't bother with the SC. I assummed the 12g would be an issue for me, damaged back and neck.


However, i now get may be a couple of weeks decent shooting of rabbits per year but miss 90% at least, of shooting opportunities due to no having a shotgun.


So I want to take up a shotgun again, I have never used anything other than a 12g side x side/ over under.


Would like it to be quite as I can no longer walk miles from the farm.



20 bore? :thumbdown: Don't fancy it.


.410? same again.


Keep coming back to a 12 g in some form;


How about a silenced Mossberg slide action thingy, sorry brain gone. Edited, pump action


All advice please, never shot a quiet 12g :tongue2:



The people who do the hushpower moderator will fit one to any semi auto ! There was an article in one of the shootinmg mags a while back about a guy who had a beretta semi auto witha hushpower mod and a regular 12 bore barrel too ............. money is the only issue here !!

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