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Help with low impaqct 12 guage

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Hi guys, advise from far and wide please.


I have shot and fished for all my life, now retired in late 50's after an accident thet ended my career.


So got back into shooting with the rimfires, never ever had the need for a centrefire even for the macho issue, sorry.


But i have a FAC but didn't bother with the SC. I assummed the 12g would be an issue for me, damaged back and neck.


However, i now get may be a couple of weeks decent shooting of rabbits per year but miss 90% at least, of shooting opportunities due to no having a shotgun.


So I want to take up a shotgun again, I have never used anything other than a 12g side x side/ over under.


Would like it to be quite as I can no longer walk miles from the farm.



20 bore? :thumbdown: Don't fancy it.


.410? same again.


Keep coming back to a 12 g in some form;


How about a silenced Mossberg slide action thingy, sorry brain gone. Edited, pump action


All advice please, never shot a quiet 12g :tongue2:

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just thinking on your injuries mate, a semi-auto would suit you down to the ground, in most case less recoil, light ish..... depending on what you go for,,,



you'd soon get fed up with the pump,



plus they are great fun too..... only thing that may hold you back maybe is that some or most shoots if you go on them won't allow a semi-auto

as far as i'm led to believe.



but for plain bunny bashing, vermin control, you won't beat a good semi.....



best of luck....




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Well with your back neck injuries, the pump action would soon make you sore, cycling say 50 rounds or so on a good rabbit day, by god you would feel a little sore in the evening, but you would have one massive bi-cep..... lol


give a semi auto a try and see what you think...


i bet you'll like it...




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Silenced shotguns aren't very practical mate....


if its from a shooting perspective, theres no real need for it, they are long cumbersome things... and exoensive....


From a noise point of view, get yourself a good set of ear plug moulded for your own ears, or a good set of defenders.....




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Silenced shotguns aren't very practical mate....


if its from a shooting perspective, theres no real need for it, they are long cumbersome things... and exoensive....


From a noise point of view, get yourself a good set of ear plug moulded for your own ears, or a good set of defenders.....






Understand your point mate :notworthy: . But this is about shooting near the farms as i can no longer get father afield, OK?. Don't want to annoy the good chaps that let me shoot by waking them up at 6 am on a sunday, sure you know where I'm at?


Also need to reduce the recoil as far as poss hence pump action/semi silenced

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Yes jms or jls do them or covert your own gun even over and unders,same guy that imports PES sound mods and mae phantom rimfire,google that and youll get the company,seriously mate try a twenty they are every bit as good as a 12,remember moderated shotguns only become effective with subsonic cartridges uuuuuurrr,try an auto 20 they are all 3"now and none toxic is easy to get if you want to shoot duck ect or a 16 0r 12 with a gentle ounce load,ATB with it CHARLIE CALLER.

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Yes jms or jls do them or covert your own gun even over and unders,same guy that imports PES sound mods and mae phantom rimfire,google that and youll get the company,seriously mate try a twenty they are every bit as good as a 12,remember moderated shotguns only become effective with subsonic cartridges uuuuuurrr,try an auto 20 they are all 3"now and none toxic is easy to get if you want to shoot duck ect or a 16 0r 12 with a gentle ounce load,ATB with it CHARLIE CALLER.


Thanks mate, added to the memory pot :thumbs:

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I recon Snap Shot has got it pretty spot on...a semi will help with recoil in every respect, especially the latest Beretta range.


Noise will always be an issue with shotgun, hence why attempts have been made to address this issue.


I don't see a complete answer to your problems though.



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I recon Snap Shot has got it pretty spot on...a semi will help with recoil in every respect, especially the latest Beretta range.


Noise will always be an issue with shotgun, hence why attempts have been made to address this issue.


I don't see a complete answer to your problems though.





Thanks to all,


It's over a year now since I took up the rimfires again, I felt any 12g would give me trouble so only renewed my FAC. I must be missing at least 90 of shooting oportunities by being limited to the .17 and .22.


No pigeons magpies or even squirel. So I am going to try something. A couple of the best farms do have good shooting but you know the issue, neighbours that are anti, yet I can sit out there of an evening with the .22 and they don't even realise I'm there, hence the desire to try something quieter.


I'll get the cert redone, What's the legal position re borowing a gun from an RFD?, wouldn't be any problem would there?, it would be 2nd hand of course just incase I don't get on with it.



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I recon Snap Shot has got it pretty spot on...a semi will help with recoil in every respect, especially the latest Beretta range.


Noise will always be an issue with shotgun, hence why attempts have been made to address this issue.


I don't see a complete answer to your problems though.





Thanks to all,


It's over a year now since I took up the rimfires again, I felt any 12g would give me trouble so only renewed my FAC. I must be missing at least 90 of shooting oportunities by being limited to the .17 and .22.


No pigeons magpies or even squirel. So I am going to try something. A couple of the best farms do have good shooting but you know the issue, neighbours that are anti, yet I can sit out there of an evening with the .22 and they don't even realise I'm there, hence the desire to try something quieter.


I'll get the cert redone, What's the legal position re borowing a gun from an RFD?, wouldn't be any problem would there?, it would be 2nd hand of course just incase I don't get on with it.




Hi Mate I think you are allowed to borrow a shotgun providing you have a SGC and cabinet to store it for up to 72 Hours without having to inform the Police.



Good luck with your quest :thumbs:

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total newbie here to the shotgun world,but I'll add my two pennies worth, low recoil is hardly noticable with the hushpowers, mossberg if you have the available funds, or pedretti's if you aint,(although there's also the O/U) I have two, a 410 and a 12, yes Id like to be able to quote large numbers, but I aint that good a shot :icon_redface: (yet)

did think I'd be looked down on at a clay day, but they loved them, were eager to try them themselves, and had offers to buy my 12 from other members,

the pedretti's were also quite cheap, my 410 cost £200 with carts, and the 12, £75.00 :clapper: , both secondhand, great tools for the job they were bought for



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Cheers fella, It is a difficult one for me,


Without offence to anyone, have never shot a 20g or a semi 12g. .410 did seem like a toy, I know it's not, but we used to shoot at each other with a No3 gun which seemed similar.


Can I ask just how much less recoil is produced by a semi 12g compared to an ov/un??


Several old lads used to shoot them at my former clay club so must be a good advantage???? :thumbs: ?

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