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Marans stopped laying

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I had a bit of a move around about 2 months ago, which involved me catching my hi-sex hens and moving them to another enclosure.Obviously this involved me running around chasing them and upsetting them but it was only for 20 mins or so.

My 6 hi-sex that i moved, and the 3 light sussex have been laying okay (ish) since but i havent had 1 egg from a maran since and its been too long now.

Any tips or help?

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Your Sussex will lay more that your Maran's anyway and with the combination of less daylight and stress of the move may have knocked them further into the winter inactivity as far as laying goes. For optimum egg production the hens need around 16 hours of light a day - you could try rigging up a light on a timer...

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its rare for hens free range variety, to lay in the winter as theres not enough daylight. if you want year round eggs you need to give them daylight conditions, ie artificial lighting. personally i prefer to manage withou egs in winter and let my hens have a natural life with time off for a month or two.

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Nope - dont worry bout it, all my hens have stopped laying, let them do thier natural chikeny type thing :D and they will come back in the spring with good quality eggs and looking better for the rest :thumbs: I've got hens that are 4/5 years old and still going strong!

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