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'Striking' training exercises for young dog?

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Hello forum,


I read an old post about exercises using a sort of lure on a pole which was jerked in front of the dog to encourage striking?


My collie x grey is one of the quickest dog's i've owned but seems reluctant to strike on some rabbits. It's as though he thinks its a game, he gets up on them in no time at all and if anything it looks like he's too fast he's a big lad 26" to shoulder and also tends to over shoot them, most he runs alongside.


I was thinking the above exercise couild be useful in geeing him up a bit but was wondering if anyone had anymore advice.


Would running him alongside a more experienced dog help?


Thanks in advance.



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I think what you're reffering to is a 'flirt pole'. It's used to encourage prey drive and also to get dogs fit as it involves lots of tight turns, it's a good workout for the dog. You get a horse lunging whip and tie a plastic bag to the end, move the bag along the ground in long, fluid motions and the dog 'should' chase it and catch it allow the dog to catch it every now and again so it keeps its enthusiasm. It works with the vast majority of dogs but some dogs will only chase live prey and will look at you like you've gone mental.

Edited by hogdog
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Thanks for the replys lads.


He's 11 month and a bit too cute, suppose its the collie in him.


Yeah that was what I was thinking of the 'flirt pole'. But i'll try him with some of them dog toys that are funny shaped and rubber to give the effect of a bunny that may turn any way as well.


Thanks for the advice.



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