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So it looks like the Taffs will have their independence and get away from the corruption at Westminster.


Where's the justice?


And will they survive on their own or will England have to bail them out?

No doubt they will still be able to vote on English policy!


I've nothing against any of the principalities gaining independence but surely this has not been thought out properly and is being rushed through.


Your views and comments would be welcome







first ning at work today at 09:38

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So it looks like the Taffs will have their independence and get away from the corruption at Westminster.


Where's the justice?


And will they survive on their own or will England have to bail them out?

No doubt they will still be able to vote on English policy!


I've nothing against any of the principalities gaining independence but surely this has not been thought out properly and is being rushed through.


Your views and comments would be welcome







first ning at work today at 09:38


Let the Welsh have their own Parliament. The Scots have theirs, the Nothern Irish have Stormont. BUT let's have an English Parliament with only representatives from seats in England. Local votes on local matters. Then have a Federal British Parliament for matters concerning the whole UK.



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So it looks like the Taffs will have their independence and get away from the corruption at Westminster.


Where's the justice?


And will they survive on their own or will England have to bail them out?

No doubt they will still be able to vote on English policy!


I've nothing against any of the principalities gaining independence but surely this has not been thought out properly and is being rushed through.


Your views and comments would be welcome







first ning at work today at 09:38


Let the Welsh have their own Parliament. The Scots have theirs, the Nothern Irish have Stormont. BUT let's have an English Parliament with only representatives from seats in England. Local votes on local matters. Then have a Federal British Parliament for matters concerning the whole UK.



I'd agree with you on that Ric. :thumbs:

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So it looks like the Taffs will have their independence and get away from the corruption at Westminster.


Where's the justice?


And will they survive on their own or will England have to bail them out?

No doubt they will still be able to vote on English policy!


I've nothing against any of the principalities gaining independence but surely this has not been thought out properly and is being rushed through.


Your views and comments would be welcome







first ning at work today at 09:38


Let the Welsh have their own Parliament. The Scots have theirs, the Nothern Irish have Stormont. BUT let's have an English Parliament with only representatives from seats in England. Local votes on local matters. Then have a Federal British Parliament for matters concerning the whole UK.




How though would you determine whether English MP are English?

And how would the GB wealth be distributed?

Could Wales, Scotland and Ireland support themselves?


I personally think its being rushed




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Could Wales, Scotland and Ireland support themselves?

Without a doubt make, and if we we're struggling that's where the benefit of EU membership comes in. I'm not a huge fan of the EU, but we pay enough in to it, and that's what it's there for.

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Could Wales, Scotland and Ireland support themselves?

Without a doubt make, and if we we're struggling that's where the benefit of EU membership comes in. I'm not a huge fan of the EU, but we pay enough in to it, and that's what it's there for.


Sounds like a bit of a misnoma then. Independence? Independent of what? Substitute Westminster with Brussels.

Concessions are always made, so all that money Westminster is currently paying to the EU will/should have to come from Cardiff?!


I reckon you'd be better off without the EU!






ninging for a free red dragon

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Could Wales, Scotland and Ireland support themselves?

Without a doubt make, and if we we're struggling that's where the benefit of EU membership comes in. I'm not a huge fan of the EU, but we pay enough in to it, and that's what it's there for.


Sounds like a bit of a misnoma then. Independence? Independent of what? Substitute Westminster with Brussels.

Concessions are always made, so all that money Westminster is currently paying to the EU will/should have to come from Cardiff?!


I reckon you'd be better off without the EU!






ninging for a free red dragon


It's not so much Independence, it's the power to set our own laws, etc. Personally, I'm not in favour of full independence from any of the home nations, we'd all be weaker if one was to leave, England included. You asked could Wales, Scotland and Ireland support themselves? Well, I'll ask could England support itself without the Celtic home nations?


Possibly, but they'd be all the weaker for it, and could find itself marginalised on the world stage.

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Could Wales, Scotland and Ireland support themselves?

Without a doubt make, and if we we're struggling that's where the benefit of EU membership comes in. I'm not a huge fan of the EU, but we pay enough in to it, and that's what it's there for.


Sounds like a bit of a misnoma then. Independence? Independent of what? Substitute Westminster with Brussels.

Concessions are always made, so all that money Westminster is currently paying to the EU will/should have to come from Cardiff?!


I reckon you'd be better off without the EU!






ninging for a free red dragon


It's not so much Independence, it's the power to set our own laws, etc. Personally, I'm not in favour of full independence from any of the home nations, we'd all be weaker if one was to leave, England included. You asked could Wales, Scotland and Ireland support themselves? Well, I'll ask could England support itself without the Celtic home nations?


Possibly, but they'd be all the weaker for it, and could find itself marginalised on the world stage.


First point. The English Parliament would be comprised of people representing seats within England. Next, I agree with Maltenby (Shock! Horror! Is this a world first?)I am not advocating full independence for any of the principalities. It just plain would not work. The biggest multi-national companies have turnovers greater than the GDP of most nations. You need a big political group to deal with them and that means you need a Federal system to co-ordinate the individual members. However, power must always be grudgingly handed UP to the overall organisation.


I suspect that people in this country fail to realise that this is how the USA works, at least in principle. The states make their own local laws, their own local tax system and generally have a considerable level of autonomy. The Federal Government's powers over the states are surprisingly limited.


I would like to see a Federal Europe run along those lines.



Edited by RicW
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The dismantling of our soverign nation continues, the EU know that they are going to have trouble with the

British, and the English in particular. Another case of divide and conquer imo.


All this talk of transfering power from westminster surprises me, seeing as how westminster now mostly just

rubber stamps directives from Brussels.

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The dismantling of our soverign nation continues, the EU know that they are going to have trouble with the

British, and the English in particular. Another case of divide and conquer imo.


All this talk of transfering power from westminster surprises me, seeing as how westminster now mostly just

rubber stamps directives from Brussels.

Fair point!






Englishman ninging at work since 08:30 19-11-09

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