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countrymans weekly scared of rspca

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at this point i should say thank you and well done to john darcy for his books on lurchered deer, fantastic . I dont care whether you like the bloke or not , the books are a breath of fresh air after all the rabbiting books weve had over the years.




Well that's my writing career fecked then... :cry:



Just throw in a couple of naked ferreting photos Phil.............

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at this point i should say thank you and well done to john darcy for his books on lurchered deer, fantastic . I dont care whether you like the bloke or not , the books are a breath of fresh air after all the rabbiting books weve had over the years.




Well that's my writing career fecked then... :cry:



Just throw in a couple of naked ferreting photos Phil.............


:D We could do with some of them for next years Calendar :thumbs:

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I think its a well known fact that 99% of the folk who write in CMW are fannys!


"Oh come Boo Boo, lets have a dig to a rat"....."Fru Fru worked her fanny off to have a 10 minute do to a young rat behind the garden shed"


"My goodness she had some mud on her tail" blah blah blah


feck um

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I think its a well known fact that 99% of the folk who write in CMW are fannys!


"Oh come Boo Boo, lets have a dig to a rat"....."Fru Fru worked her fanny off to have a 10 minute do to a young rat behind the garden shed"


"My goodness she had some mud on her tail" blah blah blah


feck um


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Edited by mushroom
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sure the edrd is a far superior publication to the cw , but it feels like preaching to the converted . .the only people reading it are lurcher and terrier folk ,and to be fair its still being run like an underground mag ,not in public circulation. Im no writer , but what made me make the call in the first place was the constant sniping of the holier than thou deer stalkers, and i want my right to reply . .as a countryman and long time supporter of a centuries old traditional fieldsport. As good as the edrd is , its just an industry mag for us ,it is not a public platform to state the case for the defence of deer hunting. I wait with anticipation the editors decision on your article on badgers as this was something else i discussed with him , didnt he feel duty bound to use the cw to explain the difference between badger digging and badger baiting , as the public has been criminally misled on this subject for decades . . You can guess the answer i got !

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The c.w tiptoe around political correctness, they need to grow some balls, and stand strong for all feild sports, if they publish articles on fox hunting and hare courseing then why not deer hunting or badger digging, i understand that they have to be pretty carefull not to blatantly create a reaction from antis etc but if its in legal context ie preban or overseas then why not ? Maybe its because the majouraty of people who by c.w are toffie nosed twats who are trying to wrap there own yet to be banned sport up in cotton wool. These folk wouldnt agree with such carryon as it may jeperdise there sector. Its all BOLLOCKS.

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its a sad state of affair , but its the time were in at the moment . just keep doing your own individual thing, what ever type of hunting it is. there will be plenty of banter between hunters and antis, but the trouble is the human race wasnt vegetable eaters years ago. people forget where they come from. why dont you right your article and put it on here. surely if its pre ban, whats the problem.for a long time the cm has only been rabs and rat articles. give dave harcombe a bell and put it in edrd. :whistling:

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I always thought the same thing Flint. Catching deer with running dogs seems to be a very emotive subject. People can swallow it being a hare or fox but deer are a big NO to alot of so called countrymen. I always thought it is because they like to think they are the elite going out stalking and hate to think of someone else enjoying some sport. I wouldnt personaly enjoy shooting deer, it seems a bit of a waste to me to shoot something which could give such a great run but i have no problem with other people shooting them. Live and let live, if only they could share the same attitude.

any one can shoot them but surely running them is more game, meaning the chance of getting away is in the deers favour, any idiot can press a trigger, and your right about these stalkers thinking there a cut above the rest, when they see a running dog they look in disgust and alot of the time dont acknoledge you :victory:

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I was approached by CW a few years ago by Tracy Allen (through a friend)and asked to do a few "grass roots articles" on lurcherwork and terrierwork, I agreed and put a few in under the penname of Bullcross, and then later as Carl Terryn. All was rosey until the mag was taken over by a different publisher(no names mentioned), and all they printed had to be politically correct, jackie Drakeford and Penny Taylor started appearing regularly. The editor at the time was Dave Venner, and in the end I stopped sending in as it was a waste of time. My articles, or my attempt at articles, were warmly received by DH of EDRD. And I still get more pleasure out of writing for EDRD than I ever did for CW. DH prints it as you write it. And you know that salt of the earth dogmen / women are getting a laugh as well. All strength ot EDRD AND LONG MAY IT CONTINUE :toast:

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i am not opposed to deer stalking per se . .there is a lot of skill and fieldcraft required in some cases , for instance stalking reds in the highlands ,but im not interested in the people laying a trail of aniseed to a glade littered with food , sat up a high seat shooting fish in a barrel , nor am i much interested in their views on running dogs. My main focus in this topic is the inexplicable fear of the rspca and their legal actions. Lets take it a step further , what could the cw be prosecuted for if they printed an article where i said i lurchered 4deer last night , i know for an absolute fact that i can not be convicted for writing that , i have broken a law which i have not , its just not possible to secure a conviction on that alone . .so i wonder which law prevents a publication (or internet site) from printing an article about breaking law ? National newspapers very often print interviews with law breakers ,for instance with a self confessed drug addict ,who discusses at length how he breaks the law every day. . .so although its clearly not a case for prosecution if the article is about preban hunting , i really dont think theres a law against printing an interview with a law breaker , as so many have been printed in the past.

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i got so pissed off reading sean frains work that i sent in 4 articles a lot of research went into them , the mrs checked the spellings and the grammer they all got sent back .. one saying that while it represented true terrierwork it was in conflict and contridictory to what the one and only mr frain had written in a recent article . i wrote back saying that what sf wrote was shite and frowned upon by the vast majority of terrierman , simoman apart wink.gifand that the cmw was`nt even fit to wipe your arse with .. they responded by saying my comments whr valued and welcome laugh.gif

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i am not opposed to deer stalking per se . .there is a lot of skill and fieldcraft required in some cases , for instance stalking reds in the highlands ,but im not interested in the people laying a trail of aniseed to a glade littered with food , sat up a high seat shooting fish in a barrel , nor am i much interested in their views on running dogs. My main focus in this topic is the inexplicable fear of the rspca and their legal actions. Lets take it a step further , what could the cw be prosecuted for if they printed an article where i said i lurchered 4deer last night , i know for an absolute fact that i can not be convicted for writing that , i have broken a law which i have not , its just not possible to secure a conviction on that alone . .so i wonder which law prevents a publication (or internet site) from printing an article about breaking law ? National newspapers very often print interviews with law breakers ,for instance with a self confessed drug addict ,who discusses at length how he breaks the law every day. . .so although its clearly not a case for prosecution if the article is about preban hunting , i really dont think theres a law against printing an interview with a law breaker , as so many have been printed in the past.

why would we want to publish that , when the out come would make it worst for ourself. i mean surely its best to keep our sport low key , so it doesnt cause any contreversy from our critics. dont get me wrong i would love to read the articles, but the reason they wont publicise this is to protect our selfs and what hunting we have got, because as the times goes on its going to get tougher in reality . years ago we could go in our back gardens and shoot pests with shot guns. and no one would worry. but now we cant even keep dogs without complaints. hope you under stand what im saying :)

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