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countrymans weekly scared of rspca

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i was so fed up with the c.w. attitude ,that last year i phoned up to see how i could go about submitting an article , i got put through to the editor , trevor i think? So i explained how i felt , that the cw did not represent me and that some of the articles were completely biased against me and were written by countrymen , who were entitled to their opinions ,but so was i. . . Those of you who know me ,or have taken any notice of my posts will know that whilst i am interested in several country pursuits my one true love was , is , and always will be hunting deer with longdogs. The second i brought the subject up he absolutely point blank refused to print any article on the subject whatsoever. I said you can print a disclaimer saying my views are not those of the cw and i will write it as an historical piece. Absolutely not , the rspca will bring a lawsuit that would bankrupt the paper and the owners would sack me , but our lawyers wouldnt let me print it anyway ! I said , hunting deer with dogs in daylight was only made illegal by the hunting act the same as hare coursing and fox hunting , you print historical accounts of fox hunting and hare coursing , you print accounts of both activities taking place in countries where its legal , so why not? He just flat refused. I said telk me the maximum words i can have printed as a letter and i will submit it as a letter. . I wont print it even as a letter, came the reply. No but you let r.charles keep sniping on about how awful poachers with dogs are to deer and all your other clique of stalkers are the same , let me tell you lurchers were invented for peasants to kill deer , when only a nobleman could own a hawk or a gazehound and the only dog a peasant could have was a collie to herd his sheep , the penalty for killing the kings deer was death ,and ie the peasants of this country had obeyed the law there would be no lurchers , and now we are all crying our eyes out about the hunting act and you wont even let me WRITE about killing deer. Anyway practically every post i mention killing deer , the threads disappear , and thats what made me remember the conversation with the cw editor. Are we all really so concerned with the antis , the lacs , the rspca , that we cant even talk about killing deer , on how many levels are we going to rollover and let these people win? The first lurchers were collie cross greyhounds disguised to look like sheepdogs so that PEASANTS COULD KILL DEER AND IF THEY WERE CAUGHT THEY WERE HUNG . . . . .try and remember that , oh yeah . . .this was pre ban . .

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its giving them ammo to do what? Ban hunting deer with dogs ?? That ship has sailed mate ,and whilst its true that the history of lurchers goes back hundreds of years , why the hell cant i write an article about hunting deer 5years ago ? IT WAS LEGAL ! ! ! ! we all did it , now its illegal so we dont do it. But why is everyone so concerned with what the lacs and rspca think about what we write about hunting in the past. . .it makes my blood boil , when have the countryside alliance or the countrymans weekly or any shooting publication EVER defended lurchered deer . .never thats when . So if they dont want to thats their choice ,ok then , i will step up to the plate ,but the cw run scared of the rspca , they wont let me write about a legal country pursuit , if i were that editor i would be rubbing my hands with glee at the thought of being sued by the rspca for writing about activities that were legal when they were carried out . . ITS A COURT CASE YOU CANNOT LOSE . . If they bring it , its an absolute gift , a platform to shout your defence of a great british tradition and a chance to cost the rspca a few hundred grand. But the truth is the rspca wouldnt bring the case because it would be unwinnable . .or they would have sued for all the articles on preban fox hunting and hare coursing. If that were my paper id have articles on hare coursing deer coursing fox hunting badger digging and cock fighting every week from countries where its legal and id send a copy to rspca headquarters every week too

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at this point i should say thank you and well done to john darcy for his books on lurchered deer, fantastic . I dont care whether you like the bloke or not , the books are a breath of fresh air after all the rabbiting books weve had over the years.

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at this point i should say thank you and well done to john darcy for his books on lurchered deer, fantastic . I dont care whether you like the bloke or not , the books are a breath of fresh air after all the rabbiting books weve had over the years.

we should boycott the CW for 2 weeks, they are meant to be in full support of the countryman after all!!

totally agree with your comment on j.D reading his book, running dog addiction, great read



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Well i think you should of been allowed to write your peice and them print it ,like you said they write stories of old fox hunting days , so yeah why not about hunting dear . ive all ways thought the mag was shite and this just proves it .

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boycotted the cmw 2 years ago when they started getting repitive like the sea fishing mags and the airrifle ones.


I've done the same the more you buy them the more they are full of the same owd boring.


I'm going to phone cw today and ask if they'll print an article on badger trials of jagds and such in eastern europe. Again legal, we shall see..............

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boycotted the cmw 2 years ago when they started getting repitive like the sea fishing mags and the airrifle ones.


I've done the same the more you buy them the more they are full of the same owd boring.


I'm going to phone cw today and ask if they'll print an article on badger trials of jagds and such in eastern europe. Again legal, we shall see..............

I await there answer :clapper:

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boycotted the cmw 2 years ago when they started getting repitive like the sea fishing mags and the airrifle ones.


I've done the same the more you buy them the more they are full of the same owd boring.


I'm going to phone cw today and ask if they'll print an article on badger trials of jagds and such in eastern europe. Again legal, we shall see..............

I await there answer :clapper:


I phoned them a few mins ago i spoke to a very nice lady in editorial.


I told her I was thinking of attending trials in the czech republic this year or next (I am) to watch the dogs work on badgers and foxes like used to happen here. If I did a write up about it would they be interested in the publishing the article???

"Oh yes thats sounds great, you would have to make sure the article states it's not in this country and that it's legal, If you were to write this could you include photos" ( :icon_eek: certainly would you like one with the badger in the jagds mouth :rofl: ) No problem love I says they'll be corkers I promised.

Edited by mushroom
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