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lurchergrrl-The hides are still in good enough conditions to skin them, on most. Alot depends on how many dogs and how long they are on the Coyote. A Coyotes hide is more like a Badgers than a Foxs in how hard it is to damage.


Buch-Hunting coyotes with dogs is not nearly as commen as with rifles, but folks use both scent and sight hounds on Coyotes. Dogs are used on about every animal we have in the USA. I also hunt Bear, Mtn Lion, Bobcat, Badger, Fox, Coon, Rabbits/Hares with dogs... :thumbs: I have hunted other animals with dogs, but not enough to mention... :whistling:


Take care.

Edited by UphillDoc
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I dont want to sound checky or anything but could you possably give an account about hunting mountain lion next ime you have chance. In my eyes i guess its a totaly differant hunt ( i guess the lion is alot tougher than the coyotes). Do you use the same dogs on the "yotes" (check me out i know all the lingo) as you do on the bear, bobcat or hare? If you do, then they must be the ultimate hunting dog. This is an asumption because i dont know much about the US hounds but i guess you dont use sighthounds on the bears or big cats ect. Ive seen videos of walkers hounds ( i think thats what they were called) on youtube baying at bears. What are the main breedsused on the "big game" out there.


Thanks for the info and i look forward to you guys next post.

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different dogs for different game but some crossover.

scent hounds, curs, some terriers & their crosses are used for most game. the majority of guys using longdogs are out west w/ one or two scattered around east of the mississippi river (unofficial dividing line between east & west in the USA). i got mine from a lady in georgia who bred one of her bitches back to it's grand sire in illinois. two of his littermates went to a fella in south carolina who has used them to catch deer, boar & bobcat flushed by his curdogs.

dogs can only be used for deer LEGALLY in parts of the southern & eastern states from virginia, kentucky & arkansas south & east AND in parts of california. so when you talk about catching deer w/ dogs to most americans they look at you like you got a knob growing out of your forehead. other than that most dog hunting is reasonably acceptable (although plenty of deer shooters would throw all dog hunters under the bus if given the chance).

main breeds for bear are plott; american leopard cur; bluetick, redtick, redbone, black & tan, & treeing walker coonhounds. also used but not as common airedale & jagd terriers; blackmouth, catahoula, & mountain curs; beagles; goodman, trigg, july & running walker american foxhounds. also crosses of these.


for bobcat & lion you'll see more foxhounds & crosses but basically the same breeds already listed.


where legal, mostly foxhounds & beagles are used to run deer w/ some coonhounds also being used. terriers & curs are almost never used for deer.


for boar, curs (here add the Lacy curs to the ones already named)& plotts are most common. then terriers, coon & fox hounds & birddogXbulldog are about equally common bull & mastiff breeds are used almost exclusively to catch boars found by the other breeds. i can count on one hand the folks who use them to find their own hogs. but bullXcur, bullXplott, bullXhound are common enough among folks who want to find & catch w/ the same dogs. also a small following of pitXgrey for this sport.

Edited by Pops
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I dont want to sound checky or anything but could you possably give an account about hunting mountain lion next ime you have chance. In my eyes i guess its a totaly differant hunt ( i guess the lion is alot tougher than the coyotes). Do you use the same dogs on the "yotes" (check me out i know all the lingo) as you do on the bear, bobcat or hare? If you do, then they must be the ultimate hunting dog. This is an asumption because i dont know much about the US hounds but i guess you dont use sighthounds on the bears or big cats ect. Ive seen videos of walkers hounds ( i think thats what they were called) on youtube baying at bears. What are the main breedsused on the "big game" out there.


Thanks for the info and i look forward to you guys next post.


Buch-Lion season is just starting. I had hunts from the past written up, but dont know if they exist anymore. I will send Dan some pics to post of Lions and Bears. The lion is more capable of killing your dog, but easier for dogs to catch most the time than a coyote.

I did have a bullstag female that caught everything from hares to bears,(she was MY ultimate dog) but usually the scent hounds (Plotts, Walkers) and Curs are what I use on "big game".


Take care.

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