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dont know if any one can give me some pointers but my head has gone with a terrier,ive had this bitch since beg of oct she is 18mts old and is a very handy earth working terrier,the bloke that i had her off had done nothing with her what so ever,this bitch will not recall to her name,will chase sheep and has locked on to a horses tail...im at the end of my teather with her if she wasnt such a good earth dog she would have been gone a while ago but the way things are regarding good terriers ive got to keep on with her,ive tried food in the hand and ive also got an electric pac collar,i tried the collar yestarday with just a recall she decided to f..off and hide,SHES BREAKING ME PEOPLE ANY IDEAS apart from my shotgun :thumbs: thanks

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If the guy had done "nothing whatsoever" with her, maybe she doesn't KNOW what she isn't or is supposed to do... maybe she's had no training?


And you've had her, what, six or seven weeks? It's not long...


I'd say you might have to teach her what you need her to know. Back to basics perhaps?


Doesn't sound like the collar is going to work in this case.

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  On 16/11/2009 at 19:57, ratattack said:
  On 16/11/2009 at 17:26, milo said:

thanks for the replies,i think i will have to go back to the start,long training rope for her and a shed load of paraectmol for me thumbs.gif


how much time do you spend with the dog ? by the sounds of it you haven t bonded with it spend time with it play ball just stroke it but spend quality time with it then your in with a chance of training it , if the dog doesn t trust you and theres no bond between you youll be lucky if you teach it anything

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