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  On 18/11/2009 at 21:47, tel you how it is said:

so what your all trying to say is if you breed a litter of pups your a peddler wat a load of crap i was talking to a mate who still goes out with rob now and then and if im wrong sorry but diddnt rob breed golly and archie

I dont think that is what is being said here at all mate, no one is saying that chris is a peddler for breeding his bitch. I know that he only bred from her because he's happy with her and wanted something out of her to run on. Quite possibly it was a bad choice of stud dog, but when your told that the dog is 110% working by someone you trust then yor inclined to believe them are you not? Isnt his fault if he was fed a pile of poop is it. Yes, your right, Robert did breed Golly and Archie (r.i.p.), and credits where its due, they all made fantastic workers (though Archie was quite possibly the most twisted dog i have ever set eyes on). Unfortunately it seems he did a lot to upset a lot of people since then. Whatever he may or may not be now, the line originating back to Terminator was a good one and produced many good dogs (in the right hands) it just seems that this Josh didnt have the same quality of training. But the rest of the line are still top class. So in theory these pups should be good workers if trained properly. In my opinion i'd say their a cracking buy.

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  On 18/11/2009 at 22:27, tel you how it is said:

sory about that welshvixen its most probly the way it came across i wasnt on about chrisbullx i was on about nicola calling robsha over when he got a dog there that rob breed

I have a dog that Robert bred, but should i be of an opinion that he is a dog dealer doesnt make me a hypocrit. I just loved the dog, wouldnt matter to me who bred him. Nicola hasnt actually written that Rob is a dog dealer, just that it sounds like he is from what has been written on this thread.... and be honest if you just read the posts here then you may be of the same opinion. But like i think ive said (cant remember if i sent it...lol)there is a lot of "he said that this guy said" kinda crap going on.

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  On 18/11/2009 at 22:37, WelshVixen said:
  On 18/11/2009 at 22:27, tel you how it is said:

sory about that welshvixen its most probly the way it came across i wasnt on about chrisbullx i was on about nicola calling robsha over when he got a dog there that rob breed

I have a dog that Robert bred, but should i be of an opinion that he is a dog dealer doesnt make me a hypocrit. I just loved the dog, wouldnt matter to me who bred him. Nicola hasnt actually written that Rob is a dog dealer, just that it sounds like he is from what has been written on this thread.... and be honest if you just read the posts here then you may be of the same opinion. But like i think ive said (cant remember if i sent it...lol)there is a lot of "he said that this guy said" kinda crap going on.

lol :no::hmm::yes:

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listen i no rob bred golly im not saying that he didnt alls im saying is the last i had herd josh had spewed and then rob had it then u here theyve bred from it a few times the dogs only 2 to 2 1/2 yr old and when i spoke to rob last on here the dog was going no were and staying at his then you reed through all the posts about rob and every one seems to call him a peddler or a deeler maybe he is maybe he isnt but alot ov people on here seem to think he is then u here he sold the dog for big money in my eyes y sell such a good dog if its all they make out he is maybe josh has turned a corner and is a good dog im only going of the last thing i herd about him

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nicola my fault it wasnt you who called him a dealer sorry mate it was cunny funt iv had dogs on and off for almost 35 years iv sold some for more than i paid but im not a dog dealer the only reason i had them on and off was cos i was yougn and dumb i always had a good spell then end up in prison i couldnt keep out of trouble iv been out now for the longest ever almost 5 years so im keeping head down and sticking with the dogs so cunny funt am i a dog dealer

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  On 19/11/2009 at 18:51, tel you how it is said:

nicola my fault it wasnt you who called him a dealer sorry mate it was cunny funt iv had dogs on and off for almost 35 years iv sold some for more than i paid but im not a dog dealer the only reason i had them on and off was cos i was yougn and dumb i always had a good spell then end up in prison i couldnt keep out of trouble iv been out now for the longest ever almost 5 years so im keeping head down and sticking with the dogs so cunny funt am i a dog dealer

A dealer is someone who buys something with one purpose in mind, to make a profit. If you have bought your dogs cheap.... trained them, put months and months into them, made them into good working dogs and then your circumstances force you to sell them, then no your not a dog dealer. Even if you sell them for more than you paid for them because in the many months or years that you have had them you will have pid to feed them and will have put a lot of time and effort into them. If however, you buy a dog for say £80, kept it long enough to earn money studding it out or to breed a litter from it then you sell it on for say £320 giving you a hefty profit not to mention the money you earned then in my eyes yes you are because you will have one thing in mind... profit. Its a different ball game if you actually keep the dog for a good length of time without expecting to earn money of its back (profit from what you catch not included as this is purpose and enjoyment for both you and the dog) then you didnt buy it just to sell on. Buy a dog, keep it a week then sell it on at a good profit.... well speaks for itself really doesnt it.

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cunny funt just like al the yougnsters talk all big 6 months is nothing mammy do your dogs for you try 6 years then tell me your dogs going no where we see what you say then when you come out every thing chages even the people welshvixen i can only agree with you a %110 you hit the nail on the head you wont see me on this thread again cos its about selling pups nothing else

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