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Long bloody hedge lol

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Today it was hedge time my favourites :sick: buggers yes but need doing . Longnets down and stop nets set out with a few purse nets layed out we were ready to go .

Heres the hedge 2 people on 1 side and me mate and his dog the other as there was only the 3 of us .









Ferrets down and straight away rabbits bolting but not to the longnets instead they were running the hedge as they normally do . 5 straight in the stop nets , vital bit of kit are stop nets on these hedges .

Slowly making our way up the hedge with the ferrets clearing each section and flushing them up the hedge .









The ferrets were working hard with the rabbits being stubborn and reluctant to leave the diggin commenced :( . These hedges are swines for digging as there built on top of stone with the roots winding around the stones and rocks . Only 1 dig resulted in not getting a rabbit so not to bad on that front. :D




This hedge was taking some doing with the ground wet and mud stuck to your boots and making you walk like a deep sea diver :sick: it was tiring . The ferrets and dog were sticking to there job with each section cleared we moved up the hedge.

These sets under the hedge can be quite deep in places and the rabbits seem to no every nook and granny of there layer but undetered the stinkers hunted high and low keeping at them . 6 ferrets were worked today and they all did the job.


Finished with a hard earned 26 bunnys all clean and mixy free :blink::clapper:




Another enjoyable outing with the season well and truely under way . Happy rabbiting folks FV :thumbs:

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Cheers lads hedges allways hold bunnys JB to be honest thought it would of been holding more than what we got , but can`t complain 32 rabbits in 2 days not bad . Still more to be done got to get out as much as possible even if its a half day due to weather seasons gettin shorter and shorter :thumbs: FV

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Looks like you had a good day Ferretville :clapper: i love Ferreting them Hedgebacks :yes: the sport can often be fast and furious.

What i do is the same as you, Longnets either side,Purse Nets over the easy accessible Holes then a couple of well placed Stop Nets Set.

What i do though is every so often is place a piece of PVC Facia/Soffit Board in the Hedge which stops the Rabbits running the length of the Hedge, they come to the piece of board and make a break for it, 9 times out of 10 they Run straight into either the Longnet or one of your Stopnets.

Next time you see anyone getting there Facia/Soffits done? just ask for a couple of bits of offcut, they are very light to carry and if you get enough of it? just leave it there hidden away until you need it next.


Happy Ferreting :thumbs:

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