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90 Mins of Ferreting Fun Before the Heat Today

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Gday all,


Well what started as a fishing trip at first light

soon turned pear shaped after the boat i had borrowed had motor

issues while launching :wallbash: ..never mind...


So with a "what am i going to do now moment", once arriving home

15 mins later, I thought stuff it i'll go up to the property :yes:

& see if i can have a quick trip as she's a bit warm here today.


Get up there & the usual gate i enter is shut :hmm:,

phone the land owner who gives me the all clear to go on.

It was then i asked if i could have a peak near a quartz quarry

close to their property on the road in.

After a phone number was given to me i arranged access here :clapper:


Haven't been to this patch of ground for at least 15 years.


Nothing much has changed other than a few Alpacca's on the land.

They're a fashionable stock item these days on some farms.


Only did three sets on small buries as by this time it was after 10.00am

& starting to warm up.


The bunnies were moving pretty well for the short stint i did.

Had 3 from the first,


Coco & Tasha let me know again that there is definately something down there.

They never make any noise or scratch,

just a few sniffs & a "Come Over here Dad, look !!"




Tasha has a final quick check just before the Ferrets are put down.





The Girls nail one that had pulled the pin on the net.

The ground is like concrete in this area.


Second bury was also moving quickly with a total of 5 netted here

with just the one Ferret.

Things quitened down after this and 'Molly' soon surfaced.

Moving on to one last set, i got just a single out of it and also

had a tiny kit that i let go down a nearby bury.


All in all it was good trip well under two hours in duration &

less than 500mtrs from the Landcruiser parked in the quarry :tongue2:




Time for a drink Dad :drink:





Edited by Downunder_Sthn_Ferreter
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Nice bag mate

I was going to go out this morning but got up to late. I went out last night with the spot light but only seen one rabbit and it was the first run back for Jae - ( Whippet ) after 10 weeks of limping around I should of went out later then a I did.


cheers Luke


PS: We'll have to catch up and go out when it cools down.

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very respectable result there,is there a big following for ferreting over there DSF?

Forget the 'big following'...

I'm only following that avatar of yours for a doona thump :icon_eek:



There's a fair following, however its nowhere near like you guys.

It was more popular 20 plus years ago than it is now.

Youth of today perhaps....It seems that unless

a younger person has been exposed at some stage early in their life,

there is not many who take up the sport.



DSF i have an aussie ferreting dvd,can you tell me why the rabbits are put into crates alive and not dispatched straight away i find this a bit puzzling thanks TRAPPER


I think that method is used as they are more than likely selling them.

Crating them makes it quicker when there on the hop & when dispatched

later on, it is most likely easier and more inline with what some buyers

may want, re bruising of the flesh etc.

The fresh wild rabbit market over here has had its up's & downs over the



These days they do fetch a good price, somewhere around $ 10 to $18 each

at Butcher outlets here that sell them.

Being a lean meat there very popular now with the changing

of diet amongst many people.



Nice bag mate

I was going to go out this morning but got up to late. I went out last night with the spot light but only seen one rabbit and it was the first run back for Jae - ( Whippet ) after 10 weeks of limping around I should of went out later then a I did.


cheers Luke


PS: We'll have to catch up and go out when it cools down.

May be better lamping/spotlighting in a few more days closer to the New Moon.

Great to hear your Jae is back in the field :thumbs:


I look at the Werribee signs every time i drive to Baccus Marsh & say...

gotta get over there one day...lol


Ive been to Werribee on the Whiting plenty of times & that is usually

a good day out as they're there in good numbers, unless the netters

have been hitting them hard :angry:....






Nice write up mate!

Just rub it in about the warm weather there mate why don't you... :laugh:


Love the last pic of the terrier "smiling" at the camera as if to say "Look what I caught"




Thats exactly what i said when i first loaded up the card from the dig today.

One other bugger with the Xtra temps is the Whippet panting, :blink: lol

She gets all wound up & your ready, waiting for a noise below after

the ferrets are down...

All you can hear is this Locomotive type puffa puffa puff puff,

puffa puffa puff puff... :doh: .....




Shaun...aka DSF :D

Edited by Downunder_Sthn_Ferreter
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Gday all,


Thought i would show you some pics of

a favorite way i cook the bunny's


Here's the recipe for the marinade mixture ;)

Light Soy Sauce: 1/2 Cup

Worcestershire Sauce: 3 Tablespoons

Garlic: 2 or 3 cloves. I just use the stuff from the jar.

American Mild Mustard: 1 to 2 Tablespoons

Barbeque Sauce: 1 to 2 Tablespoons

Cracked Black Pepper: 1/2 Tablespoon

Lemon Pepper: Around a Teaspoon or so.

Chives: 1 or 2 Teaspoons.

Add a Teaspoon or even two of Cayenne Pepper or Chilli Powder,

for a "Call the Fire :blink: Brigade Special" :yes:


Mix all these in a bowl.


Pour over meat in dish..

Leave for minimum 1 or 2 hours in fridge before cooking.

Tastes even better if left on meat in fridge for one or even two days prior to cooking.

Cook @ 180/200 degrees for 40 to 50 mins.

Baste frequently if cooking Rabbit.


This marinade go's really well with

Chicken, any cut.

Lamb Chops & Sausages too...




Marinate pieces in Fridge for a day.



Ready to serve after 40/50 mins @ 180 degrees..baste with juice

every 15 mins with brush.




Enjoy :tongue2:





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