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Late start today!!!

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Have`nt been out for a couple of weeks got a bloody trapped nerve in me leg and i`ve hardly been able to walk but this week its slowly getting better. The plan was to get up sharp and be back in the house for dinner time but that went out the window when i woke up at 10.45 :laugh: .

Never mind quick cuppa gathered a handful of purse nets me albino jill and bag and spade and i was off. Arrived at the farm 11.30 and went to a sheep paddock which backs onto a private house and i know the guy there as the rabbits go in his garden and cause havoc . At the bottom of his garden is a compost heap and theres normally a few hole up in there.


Only about 4 or 5 holes so nets on jill collared up and in she go`s. Not long to wait and the first bolt of the day :toast: . Quickly dispatched the rabbit and as i turned around number 2 was in the bag :laugh: not a bad start . After a few more minutes the 3rd was pursed up nice and tight no escape for this little garden wrecker :D


The compost heap





With the jill done in there it was nets up and on to the farm for a bit mooch . Tried this 4-5 holer but nothing at home





Went to a nice little sett whith a few hole under a hedge but the rest on the bank side and this nearly allways holds rabbits. Nets on and jill entered . No sooner was she in and a rabbit escaped out of a new bolt hole that was not there the last time i was up :wallbash: . Never mind 2 minutes later and out comes his mate at the speed of light :yes: got ya,. I knew there was more in as i could here the little buggers running about and sure enough another bolted closely folled by a 3rd :toast: .




Thought i would try this nice 3 holer




She covered the sett but nothing at home :no: never mind try 1 more before heading home for something to eat i thought .


Last sett another 3 holer






Empty aswell so uncollared her and put her in the box . Here she is canny little worker slower than me poley but sticks to the job .




And final pic




So after a late start a few nets 1 ferret and a few setts done in total peace and quiet i finished with 6 healthy clean rabbits . I must admit its fairly rare that i ferret by myself but when i do its nice to just wander and chill and just relax.

Back out tomorrow with me mate on the big hedges so will put a post up ,cheers FV :thumbs:

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its days like that you should have a dog out when you are on your todd, mate did you ever get the old dog out or is it resingned to pet sttus stu , found some new warrens localy quite in viting for a ccouple of lads and agood dog some you can net and some youll need a trusty companion , thye havens seen aferret yet so be pretty entertaining

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nice white ferret and see you have some good nets they home made or from the place at durham , sounds like an good little spot you had quick sport and no great tiol , best days are sometimes just a handful of nets ajukel and a few hours sport

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