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What do people want from there terriers

Guest buster

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ok hand in the air here .....

i coller my terriers up and walk them from earth to earth ....because i want to choose WHENand IF i want them to enter a particular earth ......also the russel bitch i have is nto the best with stock...........

a lot of my permission is over looked by busy bodie do good ers so it pays to pick and choose ........

justa so called terrierman ! fellman



we only seen the one rabbit on your land all day ,never seen any foxs earths just dead rabbit holes ,id feel safe letting all my dogs off on your place with out the fear of all my dogs going to ground :11: now dont you whish you had taken us to the better place that you said you had ..iv seen more life in the fecking grave yard :11: :11: now i will shut the feck up if you have us over again on some proper land and the dogs come home with blood on there faces :yes::D

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Guest grubygrafter

my dogs are used for bolting foxes. from cover. farm dumps. earths. drains.bails. i dont limit them to earthwork but they can do that as well as other work. finding wounded foxes on the lamp. and daytime.etc.etc.seems a shame not to use a dog to its full potential :)

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my dogs are used for bolting foxes. from cover. farm dumps. earths. drains.bails. i dont limit them to earthwork but they can do that as well as other work. finding wounded foxes on the lamp. and daytime.etc.etc.seems a shame not to use a dog to its full potential :)

TOO TRUE mate ;):drink::clapper:

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i take my terriers out cover hunting nearly everyday and have done for 13 years.on three occasions a terrier has become stuck and needed digging out of a rabbity spot.never have i had to dig out a terrier baying a rabbit yet i expect my terriers to catch rabbits regularly.if you want a bushing terrier you need to take it out at a young age and it will learn that rabbits once in the ground arent fair game.............its easy to get any terrier,of any type,to do this.if i kept a terrier on a leash or in a kennel for a couple of years and then took it out chasing bunnies id expect it to mess about with them underground.


i dont do much digging and when i do its usually when ive been out bushing and a terrier finds a fox to ground(or sometimes runs one to ground).weve always tried to keep locator collars on the terriers but wading through streams etc usually wrecked the batteries.now we have the b and f this isnt a problem.


i dont really care about calling my terriers workers or allrounders,i just use them for what i can get them at the time.i expect a terrier to hunt anything it hasnt been broke to,but one things for sure............do enough bushing and your terrier is going to go to ground on fox.if its got a good nose thats going to happen a few times throughout a season .so be prepared and get the bellman and flint :11:

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i take my terriers out cover hunting nearly everyday and have done for 13 years.on three occasions a terrier has become stuck and needed digging out of a rabbity spot.never have i had to dig out a terrier baying a rabbit yet i expect my terriers to catch rabbits regularly.if you want a bushing terrier you need to take it out at a young age and it will learn that rabbits once in the ground arent fair game.............its easy to get any terrier,of any type,to do this.if i kept a terrier on a leash or in a kennel for a couple of years and then took it out chasing bunnies id expect it to mess about with them underground.


i dont do much digging and when i do its usually when ive been out bushing and a terrier finds a fox to ground(or sometimes runs one to ground).weve always tried to keep locator collars on the terriers but wading through streams etc usually wrecked the batteries.now we have the b and f this isnt a problem.


i dont really care about calling my terriers workers or allrounders,i just use them for what i can get them at the time.i expect a terrier to hunt anything it hasnt been broke to,but one things for sure............do enough bushing and your terrier is going to go to ground on fox.if its got a good nose thats going to happen a few times throughout a season .so be prepared and get the bellman and flint :11:


Sound advice P.W!

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everyone to there own on this one,mine personally stay on the couples,leaving them to run loose in this day and age can ,and will lead to probs....i have my own small shoot,and have permission on many more,terriers running loose around pheasants etc...my head would be on the chopping board :11:

Edited by hafod
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everyone to there own on this one,mine personally stay on the couples,leaving them to run loose in this day and age can ,and will lead to probs....i have my own small shoot,and have permission on many more,terriers running loose around pheasants etc...my head would be on the chopping board :11: i find these 2 better for bushing :yes:



Which the reply is bushing is ok when you are after rabbits but should you get locked into Charles its a differrent game Hombres my dog didnt know will get you f***ed quicker than that the LACS are nailing people everyday and adding to their tally of offenders who they link to Fox hunting!

Even though they only go bushing rabbits will only add fuel to the fire thinks!

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Having read a few biographys of some of the late great terriermen.It is intresting that most of them quite liked a bit of bushing and as much variety for their terriers as possable.You obviously have to take the written word with a pinch of salt,the lads I know who dig regularly and with good results use the terriers as much and as in as many situations as possable.When out actualy checking promising earths the dogs are coupled when its more of a mooch a terrier or 2 will be running loose.A lot of terriers have self entered this way.

What ever way you do it,best of luck to all for the coming season.

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Having read a few biographys of some of the late great terriermen.It is intresting that most of them quite liked a bit of bushing and as much variety for their terriers as possable.You obviously have to take the written word with a pinch of salt,the lads I know who dig regularly and with good results use the terriers as much and as in as many situations as possable.When out actualy checking promising earths the dogs are coupled when its more of a mooch a terrier or 2 will be running loose.A lot of terriers have self entered this way.

What ever way you do it,best of luck to all for the coming season.

I agree with you totally with that kane... :drink::yahoo:;)

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I,ve used my terrier's for beating,ratting and foxing for years now and the only problem i find is if you don't know the lay off the land and where any potential earth's are. :ph34r:


I started taking them on the odd day beating when a bloke on a rough shoot told me it didn't matter if they ran riot in a bit of thick scrub,so i let them go,getting places a lot of spaniels didn't go.


Since then i've taken them the odd day here and there BUT only in places i know i will definately not be digging,they seem to enjoy it and it's a days walking done that you get a bit of beer money for.


When i go out digging,they stay coupled up,end of story.last thing i want is them running of on scent and entering on their own.I'm sure i'm not the only bloke who through poor planning,netting and being down right unlucky has seen a fox bolt from that unseen hole and had the piss taken out of for month's on end,the odd,"i reckon you should work for the Hunt " comment from all about :icon_redface:



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Guest whitser
I just want to know peoples thoughts of what they want from a terrier do they just want a 100% fox dog, or would they rather have a terrier what works feather and fur as well as fox, my terriers i like them to work feather and fur as well as fox, im just stating that i would rather have a alrounder instead of just a fox dog. :yahoo:

i expect my terriers to hunt anything thats around. no reason why a terrier cant hunt cover after a rabbit or bird and still do a job under ground with game that bites back. on some of my permission you have to put in the miles and i expect my terriers to be hunting all the way. though i would never keep a terrier that wouldn't stay below no matter how good it was at bushing.but i think its well in the terriers capability to hunt anything anywhere.

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  • 5 months later...

im 16 years old and have never dug to a fox .i have bolted one before and thought it was ace but never dug to one.i had loved animals all my life and had been fascinated with traps and hunting from an early age.my dad has no interest in field sports so i would keep talk of my interests to a minimum. i began to notice a "strange man" walking past my house everyday towards a jennel that leads to the fields.he had four dogs (beagle russells i later found out) and was equipped complete with ferret box deer stalker hat etc. i came to the fact that he was something to do with working his dogs ( i was only 14 at the time).he intrigued me every time i saw him and would sit pondering in the window every time he walked past. one day i was walking past where he lives ( just round the corner) and saw a lad about my age on the front garden. the dogs wer tied up on the front and my curiosity kicked in again.i asked the boy what he did with them and he said they where his dads and they where "hunting dogs" i soon become friends with that lad and now id say we are best mates. i soon bought my own dog (a big rangy pedigree unknown russell cross dog) and thats where i started. we have no permission but walk the public paths and streams searching for rats and rabbits.if we ever see a fox never mind if we ever get the chance to dig to one wer histerical.im just saying lots of people have a choice whether they want a 100% fox dog or not an we dont. i dont see anything good in boasting about "my dog is 100% fox" if fox are easy to get to and you have lots of good fox dwelling permission.if we ever decided our dogs wer "just fox dogs" then maybe wed get 1 fox every 5 year or something lol. its not what you say your dogs are but what your have available to you. the same goes for things like rats.the most rats me and my mate have ever caught in a day is 6 and thats pathetic.but we walk miles everyday searching for them and we love it. a kid at school (whos dad takes his dogs to to farms wer rats are "crawling over your feet") belittles us .but hes got that maybe. im just saying its what you have in front of you that gets you your good reputation in this sport. ( its not like we dont look for permission). sambo

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I just want to know peoples thoughts of what they want from a terrier do they just want a 100% fox dog, or would they rather have a terrier what works feather and fur as well as fox, my terriers i like them to work feather and fur as well as fox, im just stating that i would rather have a alrounder instead of just a fox dog. :yahoo:

I like to see a terrier hunt,but lads I know just laugh.They keep the dogs coupled until

theyve got a mark.Suppose Im an ameteur but its what I enjoy from my dogs. :D





i agree these so called terrier men, put there dogs on a lead and walk them from hole to hole,dont let them hunt up or anything,is that terrier work ,lets here your opinions

whats "these so called terrier men" mean you make it sound cruel.

i do it because i want to dictate where they enter, good digging dogs are hard to come by.

bushing and ratting dogs are 2 a penny and not everyones into bushing,ratting and shooting to need that kind of dog.

for ever reading lads lost terriers because they were off the lead then dropped in a place thats undiggable

or they didnt have a collar on no digging gear with them etc etc. i cant afford it.

3 of my terriers have never seen a rabbit and they never will its not cruel they wasnt bred for rabbits and bushing anyway.

and people shouldnt assume that dogs used in this way are sat in there run till a dig.

theres lots of lads on here alone that dont bush etc and are fanatical about there dogs fitness, miles of road work etc.

what dogs you do you have nelly do you use them for earth work?




Thats very true mate.Each to there own I guess.

one things for sure a digging dog is FIT!


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