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s400k and s410k

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As above. The guns are the same, but the 410 has the multishot as standard.


You can get a rowan engineering multishot adapter for the 400, which from memory costs around £50, but even then its a manually operated magazine, rather than the automatic feed the 410 has.


For target shooting, the s400 would be ideal, however, for out in the field, i prefer the advantages of the multishot s410 every time.

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As above. The guns are the same, but the 410 has the multishot as standard.


You can get a rowan engineering multishot adapter for the 400, which from memory costs around £50, but even then its a manually operated magazine, rather than the automatic feed the 410 has.


For target shooting, the s400 would be ideal, however, for out in the field, i prefer the advantages of the multishot s410 every time.


thanks for the imfo lads.


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