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The Execution of Gary Glitter

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A wee point to consider while GG and his like are rightly condemned for their crimes the likes of Bill Wyman who virtually stalked before bedding a 13yr old girl and her mother who practically pimped her daughter to him, get off scot free. Then you have Pete Townsend caught with ex amount of child porn (research)again nothing. Roman Polanski hailed as a great film maker and genius had sex with a 13yr old. Why arn't the media hounding these people? Paedo rings usually have high profile members such as Judges Lawyers ect but very seldom are these people caught or brought to justice. This is not a new phenomena child exploitation has been going on since time began. Just over a hundred yrs ago we were sending kids up chimenys and down pits or working in Brothels. How many cases of incest or rape or sexual abuse go unreported? These people are all around us they dont fit into stereotypical images of the old perv with the dirty rain coat. Many of them are "respectible" members of society. The one overiding factor is these people are not treatable.... by their very nature they are primed to reoffend given the right circumstances. And for that reason if caught they should not be set free.




The professionals who sit and psycho analyse this pieces of breathing filth know this, the law knows this and that's what pisses me off the most about it. They know these sorts of crimes are not like other run of the mill crimes (that don't have anything to do with sex), yet the majority of the time Nonces are put into prison to be rehabilitated like a thief or a robber would.


To say it winds me up would be an understatement.

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