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Rainy Day on Sunday


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We had Cupid oop north visiting for a few days and had a trip out ferreting on Sunday morning - unfortunately it was one of the coldest wettest days we have had up there. The cover was a bit high in some spots - need a bit more frost to flatten down the bracken, and combined with the rain, it was too difficult to ferret - so we headed off into the woods for the rest of the morning. It wasnt the best of days weather wise, but we still had an enjoyable trip, and the company more than made up for it :) A few photos - not many action shots as it was dark the conditions just weren't good enough: the photos don't really show how bad it was.




these didnt bolt far - in fact one of them ran through my feet straight into indies mouth





back up the road to the woods


























Hopefully we'll have better weather next time Cupid :D (He's going to knack me now :headshot:: )

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